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τοῦ σοφοῦ...ἀπολαύσω . τοῦ σοφοῦ is neut., being the antecedent of , not in agreement with σου: “that I may enjoy the piece of wisdom which occurred to you.” The omission of ἁπτόμενός σου by B is probably accidental: without the words (as Teuffel observes) Socr.'s remark (ἐὰν ἁπτ.) would be less natural.

οὐ γὰρ ἂν προαπέστης. The protasis is suppressed: Stallbaum supplies εἰ μὴ εὗρες αὐτό: while Hug explains the phrase as a conflate of two thoughts, viz. (1) οὐκ ἂν ἀπέστης εἰ μὴ εὗρες, and (2) οὐ προαπέστης πρὶν εὑρεῖν.

εἰς τὸ κενώτερον. Ficinus renders “ut in vacuum hominem ex pleniore ipso contactu proflueret,” and many edd. adopt τόν in preference to τό (so too Jowett's transl.).

ὥσπερ τὸ...ὕδωρ κτλ. Editors from Rückert down generally accept the explanation of this passage offered by Geel. Two cups, one empty the other full, are placed in contact: a woollen thread, with one end inserted in the full cup, the other hanging into the empty cup, serves by the law of capillarity to convey the fluid from the one to the other.

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