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Appendix to Chapter XXVIII.

General Halleck to General Grant.

General: Some time since General Sherman asked my opinion in regard to his operations after the capture of Atlanta. While free to give advice to the best of my ability, I felt it my duty to refer him to you for instructions, not being advised of your views on that subject. I presume, from his dispatches, that you have corresponded upon the subject, and perhaps his plan of future operations has already been decided upon.

At one time he seemed most decidedly of opinion that he ought to operate by Montgomery and Selma, and connect himself with Canby and Farragut on the Alabama river, thus severing the northern part of Georgia and Alabama, and almost Mississippi, from the rebel confederacy. This view was taken in his letters to General Canby, copies of which were sent to the Adjutant-General's office, and in his opinion I fully concurred, and so wrote both to him and Canby, directing them, however, to make no important movements until they received your instructions.

I judge, from a dispatch just received from General Sherman, that he is now proposing to move eastwardly towards Augusta or Millen, expecting to connect with the coast by the Savannah river. Whether this is simply a suggestion or change of opinion on his part, or the result of his consultation with you or of your orders to him, I have no means of knowing; all I wish to say or hear upon the subject is, that if any definite plans have been adopted, it is desirable that the Secretary of War or myself should be informed of that plan as early as possible. Large requisitions have been received within the last day or two from General Canby's staff-officers for water transportation, and quartermaster, commissary, and medical stores, to be sent to Mobile and Pensacola, for an army of thirty or forty thousand men. Indeed, in the single article of forage more is asked for than can possibly [670] be furnished in the northern and eastern states, and more than all the available sea-going vessels in northern ports could float. On receiving the requisitions I directed General Meigs to take active measures to fill them, so far as possible, but to make no shipments till further orders.

Now, if General Sherman is going east to connect with the coast by the Savannah river, these stores should not be shipped to Mobile or Pensacola, but to Hilton Head, and transportation be sent to New Orleans to move all available troops to that point. Moreover, operations at Mobile should, in that case, be limited to mere demonstrations, and that only so long as they may serve to deceive the enemy. It is exceedingly important that some definite conclusion should be arrived at as early as possible, for the expenses of the water transportation, and especially of the demurrage of large fleets, are enormous.

Perhaps it may be desirable that I should give my reasons in brief for concurring with General Sherman in his first proposed plan of operations.

In the first place, that line of connection with the coast is the shortest and most direct.

2nd. By cutting off a smaller slice of rebel territory it is not so directly exposed, and leaves a smaller force to attack in rear.

3rd. It does not leave Tennessee and Kentucky so open to rebel raids.

4th. The Alabama river is more navigable for our gunboats than the Savannah.

5th. The line is more defensible for General Canby's troops than the other.

6th. Montgomery, Selma, and Mobile are, in a military point of view, more important than Augusta, Millen, and Savannah.

7th. Mobile can be more easily captured than Savannah.

8th. This line will bring within our control a more valuable and important section of country than that by the Savannah. There is a section of country, from fifty to one hundred and fifty miles wide, extending from Selma west to Meridian, and thence north on both sides of the Tombigbee to Columbus, Aberdeen, and Okalona, more rich in agricultural products than any equal extent of country in the Confederacy. Slave labor has been but very little disturbed in this section, and the large crops of this year are being collected at Demopolis, Selma, Montgomery, and other points for the use of the rebel army. By moving on that line they will be converted to our [671] use or be destroyed; by moving on Augusta they will be left for the use of Hood's forces.

I do not write this for the purpose of influencing your adoption of a particular plan of campaign, or of changing your decision, if you have adopted any plan, but simply to urge on you an early decision, if you have not already made one. It is proper, however, to remark that I have taken every possible means to obtain correct information on the subject, and present these conclusions only after thorough examination and the most mature consideration.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

H. W. Halleck, Major-General, Chief of Staff.

Rebel efforts in loyal States.

General Townsend to General Fry.—(telegram.)

Albany, New York, October 12, 164.
Brigadier-General Fry, Provost-Marshal-General:
I am just informed that an effort is to be made to-day to capture the steamer Michigan, and release the prisoners on Johnson's Island, by a party that is to rendezvous at Port Keeler, said to be 2,000 strong.

I have sent the persons bringing me the information directly to Major-General Dix, and also telegraphed him.

F. Townsend, Assistant Provost-Marshal-General.

General order of General Dix.

General orders.

Headquarters, Department of the East, New York City, October 26, 1864.
Satisfactory information has been received by the major-general commanding that rebel agents in Canada design to send into the United States and colonize at different points large numbers of refugees, deserters, and enemies of the government, with a view to vote at the approaching presidential election, and it is not unlikely, when this service to the rebel cause has been performed, that they may be organized for the purpose of shooting down peaceable citizens and plundering private property, as in recent predatory incursions on the Detroit river and at St. Albans.

Against these meditated outrages on the purity of the elective franchise and these nefarious acts of robbery, incendiarism, and murder, [672] it is the determination of the major-general commanding to guard by every possible precaution, and to visit on the perpetrators, if they shall be detected, the most signal and summary punishment.

All the classes of persons enumerated, whether citizens of the insurgent states who have been in the rebel service engaged in acts of hostility to the government, deserters from the military service of the United States, or men drafted or subject to draft who have fled to evade their duty to their country, are liable to punishment for their crimes they have already committed, and no effort will be spared to arrest them.

For this purpose, all provost-marshals and their deputies within this department are commanded to exercise all possible vigilance, and to adopt such measures as may be necessary to detect persons coming into the United States for the purpose of voting, or of committing depredations on private property, and to prevent their escape; and it is earnestly recommended to the electors of the states in this department to take within their respective election districts such measures as may be required for their own security, and to aid the military authorities in frustrating the designs of rebel agents and emissaries, or in bringing the perpetrators to punishment. Should any of these malefactors succeed in perpetrating their crimes, effective measures will be taken to prevent their return to Canada; and for this purpose special direction will be given, and suitable guards for the frontiers will be provided, before the day of election.

As a further precaution, all persons from the insurgent states, now within this department, or who may come within it on or before the 3d of November, proximo, are hereby required to report themselves for registry on or before that day, and all such persons coming within the department after that day will report immediately on their arrival.

Those who fail to comply with this requirement will be regarded as spies or emissaries of the insurgent authorities at Richmond, and will be treated accordingly.

The registry in this city will be at the Headquarters of Major-General John J. Peck, second in command in the department, at No. 37 Bleecker street, and in all other places out of this city at the office of the nearest provost-marshal. The registry will contain a complete description of the persons reporting, and also their places of residence, which must not be changed without notice at the place of registry.

By command of


Captain Rogers to General Fry.—(telegram.)

Buffalo, New York, October 30, 1864.
Brigadier-General J. B. Fry, Provost-Marshal-General:
The following telegram has just been received by me, dated “Toronto, C. W., October 30, 1864. To Provost-Marshal, Buffalo:”

I have received information this afternoon, from a source which I think is entitled to confidence, that a party of Southern rebels and sympathizers left here yesterday to be joined by others at different points, in all about one hundred, with the intention of going to Buffalo or Detroit, or both places, for the purpose of burning and committing other depredations; and I think it is not unlikely they may begin operations to-night. They were provided with arms, combustible materials, etc., necessary for their intended operations. I judge it is their intention to cross the river in small boats. They also talked of Suspension Bridge and Niagara Falls. Their preparations have been going on for some time, and, if my information is correct, are very complete. Their arms have been brought in from the West, and they are leagued with parties in that direction. Two of those who left Toronto have commissions from the rebel government.

R. J. Kimball, United States Consular Agent.

The military of the city are now assembling, and proper preparations will be made to secure the safety of the city to-night.

William F. Rogers, Captain P. M., 30th District.

Mr. Wheeler to Secretary Stanton.—(telegram.)

Malone, October 31, 1864.
Hon. E. M. Stanton:
We have a village of over three thousand inhabitants, ten miles from the Canada line; principal shops of Ogdensburg road here; we will take care of ourselves, if you will give us arms and ammunition. The fire-arms under the control of the provost-marshal here are worthless. Will you give him arms for our use? Refer to Major McKeever, in your department, Governor Morton, or Treasurer Spinner.



Mr. Jackson to Secretary Seward.—(telegram.)

Halifax, N. S., November 1, 1864.
Hon. W. H. Seward, Secretary of State:
It is secretly asserted by secessionists here, that plans have been formed and will be carried into execution by rebels and their allies, for setting fire to the principal cities in the Northern states on the day of the presidential election.

M. M. Jackson, United States Consul.

General Dix to Secretary Stanton.—(telegram.)

New York, November 4, 1864.
Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War:
When I saw you a fortnight ago to-morrow, you told me you would ask General Grant to send me five thousand troops, of which I informed you I wished to place three thousand on the frontier, not only in reference to threatened attack, but to secure the efficient execution of the order in regard to colonizing from Canada for the election; and that I would retain two thousand in New York. If I cannot divide the force under General Butler, two of the chief objects in view will be defeated.

I will give General Butler, as is due to his rank, the choice of remaining here or of taking command of the two northern districts of New York and state of Vermont, including Albany, Buffalo and St. Albans. If his force must not be divided, I will send into those districts the troops garrisoning forts in this harbor, although they are altogether inadequate to the object in view.

John A. Dix, Major-General.

Colonel Sweet to General Hoffman.—(telegram.)

Have made during the night the following arrests of rebel officers, escaped prisoners of war, and citizens in connection with them: Colonel G. St. Leger Greenfell, Morgan's adjutant-general, in company with J. F. Shanks, an escaped prisoner of war, at Richmond House; J. F. Shanks; Colonel Vincent Marmaduke, brother of General Marmaduke; Brigadier-General Charles Wallace, of the Sons of Liberty; Captain [675] Cantrill, of Morgan's command; Charles Traverse, Butternut. Cantrill and Traverse arrested in Walsh's house, in which was found two cart-loads large-sized revolvers, loaded and capped; two hundred stand of muskets, and ammunition. Also seized two boxes guns concealed in a room in the city; also arrested Judge Buck Morris, treasurer of the ‘Sons of Liberty,’ having complete proof of his assisting Shanks to escape, and plotting to release prisoners at this camp. Most of these rebel officers were in the city on the same errand in August last, their plan being to raise an insurrection and release prisoners of war at this camp. There are many strangers and suspicious persons in the city, believed to be guerillas and rebel soldiers. The plan was to attack the camp on election. All prisoners arrested are in camp. Captain Nelson and A. C. Coventry, of the police, rendered very efficient service.

J. B. Sweet, Colonel Commanding Post.

Mr. White to Secretary Stanton.—(telegram.)

Chicago, November 7, 1864.
Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War:
Colonel Sweet, by his energetic and decisive measures last night, has undoubtedly saved Camp Douglas from being opened, and the city from conflagration. I respectfully suggest that you send him a word of commendation.

Statement showing the strength of the army under the immediate command of Major-General George H. Thomas on the 31st of October, 20th and 30th of November, and 10th of December, 1864, as reported by the returns on file in the office of the Adjutant-General.

October 31, 1864.

commands.present for duty.present for duty, equipped.present and absent.aggregate.
Commanding Officers.Enlisted Men.Commanding Officers.Enlisted Men.Commanding Officers.Enlisted Men.
4th Corps71911,61268511,2261,38525,37726,762
23d Corps46110,16346110,16393821,107,22,045
District of Tennessee74817,91371517,9181,22227,74828,970
Unassigned detachments2487,1112196,50549811,85412,352


November 20, 1864.

commands.present for duty.present for duty, equipped.present and absent.aggregate.
Commanding Officers.Enlisted Men.Commanding Officers.Enlisted Men.Commanding Officers.Enlisted Men.
4th Corps77513,94078713,1701,41627,59629,012
23d Corps4559,9034559,90398821,05821,991
District of Tennessee79219,14177219,2841,23528,82680,061
District of Etowah1936,2282106,82639910,68511,084
Reserve Brigade2989129891661,7741,840
Unassigned Infantry281,047281,047451,6991,744
Unassigned Artillery726872289811320
Signal Corps116811631890108
Veteran Reserve Corps8327332751,0911,096

November 30, 1864.

4th Corps76616,20072415,3781,41730,35831,775
23d Corps49410,03349410,03391420,45621,370
Detach. Army of the Tenn.14888,8434838,28490518,58519,490
District of Tennessee70416,91168816,9351,06024,55025,610
District of Etowah.2106,8641996,75741811,10511,528
Reserve Brigade2588025880631,7691,832
Unassigned Infantry801,122801,122451,7081,758
Unassigned Artillery726272229810819
Signal Corps116011601889107
Veteran Reserve Corps1549815498181,1101,128

December 10, 1864.

4th Corps68614,41564613,5261,35228,44029,792
28d Corps4969,7814889,71981218,85619,668
Detach Army of the Tenn258111,3455619,9901,00421,41922,423
District of Tennessee65315,85063715,8841,02924,14825,172
District of Etowah2377,6122097,54147312,55313,026
Reserve Brigade2575319590631,7651,828
Reserve Artillery8463840118801819
Unassigned Infantry301,060301,060451,7061,751
Unassigned Artillery311531155138143
Signal Corps125712571987106
Veteran Reserve Corps1552215522181,1211,139

The battle of Franklin was fought November 30, 1864, and the battle of Nashville December 15 and 16, 1864.

The total number of officers and men for battle, October 31, 1864, was58,415
The total number of officers and men for battle, November 20, 1864, was59,584
The total number of officers and men for battle, November 30, 1864, was71,452
The total number of officers and men for battle, December 10, 1864, was70,272


The strength of General Hood's army, as per returns on file in the Archive office, on the 6th of November and 10th of December, 1864:

November 6th.

Effective total present 30,600
Total present40,740
Aggregate present 45,719
Total present and absent88,793
Aggregate present and absent96,867

December 10th.

Effective total present 23,058
Total present33,393
Aggregate present34,439
Total present and absent80,125
Aggregate present and absent86,955

Covering the period in question, there are no returns of the Confederate army of Tennessee in possession of the Archive Office, except those enumerated above.

E. D. Townsend, Adjutant-General. Adjutant-General's office, Washington, April 28, 1879.

1 A. J. Smith's Divisions.

2 A. J. Smith's Divisions.

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