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2 علّقهُ ذ , (S, O, Msb, K,) i. e. الشَّىْءَ, (S, O, Msb,) inf. n. تَعْلِيقٌ; (S, O, K;) and ↓ اعلقهُ , (S, * O, * Msb,) and ↓ تعلّقهُ ; (S, O, K;) signify the same. (S, O, Msb, K.) You say, علّق الشَّىْءَ بِالشَّىْءِ, (Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n. as above, He hung, or suspended, the thing to the thing; and so مِنَ الشَّىْءِ, and عَلَيْهِ: (TA:) [and] he made the thing to cling, catch, cleave, adhere, hold, or stick fast, to the thing; as also بِهِاعلقهُ . (Msb.) [For ex.,] one says, عَلَّقْتُ رِشَائِى بِرِشَائِكَ [I have suspended my well-rope to thy well-rope]: and رِشَآءَهُ بِرِشَآءِ البِئْرِأَعْلَقَ [He suspended his well-rope to the rope of the well]. (S, O.) [See also an ex. of the latter verb in a verse cited voce رَافِضٌ.] And علّقهُ عَلَى الوَتِدِ [He hung it on the peg]: and in like manner, علّق الشَّىْءَ خَلْفَهُ [He hung the thing behind him]; as, for instance, a حَقِيبَة, &c., behind the camel's saddle. (TA.) And مَعَاذَةًتعلّق He hung (عَلَّقَ) upon himself an amulet. (S, O.) And بِالغَرْبِ بَعِيرَيْنِاعلق He coupled two camels to the end of the well-rope [to the other end of which was attached the large bucket]. (IF, K.) [And in like manner they say in the present day, علّق الخَيْلَ فِى العَرَبَةِ He harnessed, or attached, the horses to the carriage.] And أَظْفَارَهُ فِى الشَّىْءِاعلق He made his nails to cling, catch, or cleave, to the thing. (S, TA.) And [in like manner,] علّق يَدَهُ and ↓ اعلقها [He made his hands to cling, &c.], followed by فى before the object: both signify the same. (TA.) And علّق الدَّابَّةَ, meaning علّق عَلَيْهَا [for علّق عليها المِخْلَاةَ, agreeably with modern usage, i. e. He hung upon the beast the nose-bag containing barley, or the like; or he supplied the beast with عَلِيق, which means barley, or the like, that is hung upon the beast]. (TA.) [And hence, as is indicated in the T and TA, علّق signifies, by a metaphor, (tropical:) He supplied with عَلِيق as meaning wine.] And علّق رَاحِلَتَهُ He loosed the halter, or leading-rope, from the muzzle of his riding-camel and threw it [or hung it] upon her shoulders, to give her ease. (TA.) ― -b2- [The primary significations are those mentioned in the second sentence of this paragraph: and hence several other significations here following. ― -b3- علّقهُ بِكَذَا, and عَلَى كَذَا, He made it to depend upon such a thing, as a condition.] You say, عَلَّقْتُ عِتْقَ عَبْدِى بِمَوْتِى [I made the freedom of my slave to depend upon my death]. (TA in art. دبر.) ― -b4- إِِنْ أَنْطِقْ أُطَلَّقْ وَإِِنْ أَسْكُتْ أُعَلَّقْ, in the story of Umm-Zara, means [If I speak, I am divorced; and if I be silent, I am left in suspense, i. e.,] he leaves me like that which is suspended, (O, TA,) neither retained nor divorced. (TA.) [And similar to this is the phrase تَعْلِيقُ أَفْعَالِ القُلُوبِ The suspending of the verbs significant of operations of the mind from government, as to the letter but not as to the meaning:] see مُعَلَّقٌ. ― -b5- [علّق البِنَآءَ He made the building, or structure, pensile, i. e. supported above the ground, or above a stage or floor, by pillars or piers or otherwise. Hence,] the saying نَقَبُوا الحَائِطَ وَعَلَّقُوهُ means They dug beneath the wall [or made a hole through it] and left it [or rendered it] مُعَلَّقًا [i. e. pensile, or supported above the ground, being partially hollowed beneath]. (Mgh.) ― -b6- [علّق فِى حَاشِيَةِ كِتَابٍ He appended a note in the margin of a book or writing.] ― -b7- علّق بَابًا He set up, and fixed, a door, (Mgh, TA,) عَلَى دَارِهِ [upon, or to, his house]. (Mgh.) ― -b8- And (TA) He closed, or made fast, a door, with a kind of latch, or sliding bolt; syn. أَزْلَجَهُ, (O, TA,) or أَرْتَجَهُ; (K;) as also ↓ اعلقهُ . (TA.) [See مِعْلَاقٌ.] ― -b9- عُلِّقَهَا, and عُلِّقَ بِهَا, in which the pronoun denoting the object relates to a woman: see 1, former half. ― -b10- عَلَّقَ فُلَانٌ دَمَ فُلَانٍ [app. meaning Such a one attached to himself responsibility for the blood of such a one] is said when the former is the slayer of the latter. (TA. [Thus I find the phrase there written: but perhaps the right reading is عُلِّقَ.]) ― -b11- عَلَّقَهُ also signifies He joined him, and overtook him. (TA.) ― -b12- And He learned it, and took it or received it [from another]. (TA.) ― -b13- عَلِّقُوا رَمَقَهُ بِشَىْءٍ Give ye to him something that shall stay, or arrest, what remains in him of life. (Z, TA.) ― -b14- عَلَّقْتُ مَعَ فُلَانٍ عَلِيقَةً, (S, TA,) and مَعَ القَوْمِ, (TA,) I sent with such a one, (S, TA,) and with the people, or party, (TA,) a camel for the purpose of bringing corn for me upon it. (S, TA. [See عَلِيقَةٌ.]) “ اِرْضَ مِنَ المَرْكَبِ بِالتَّعْلِيقِ
” is a prov., said to a man who is thereby enjoined to be content with a part of that which he wants, instead of the whole thereof; like him who rides the camel termed عَلِيقَة one time after another time: [so that it means Be thou content, instead of the riding constantly, or instead of the beast that is ridden only, with the sending a camel to bring corn, upon which thou mayest ride occasionally:] (TA:) or the meaning may be, be thou content, instead of thy riding, with the hanging of thy goods upon the beast: or the meaning may be, be thou content, in respect of the beast that is ridden, with the hanging [thy goods] upon him in thy turn. (Meyd.) ― -b15- And one says, عَلِّقْ لِنَاقَتِكِ, meaning Go thou from thy she-camel (اِمْشِ عَنْهَا). (O.)

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