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عَنُودٌ ذ One who declines, or deviates, from the right way, or course; (S, O, L;) as also ↓ عَنِيدٌ . (L.) See also عَانِدٌ as applied to a camel. ― -b2- A she-camel that deviates from the road by reason of her sprightliness and strength: pl. عُنُدٌ and عُنَّدٌ; or, as ISd thinks, this latter is pl. of ↓ عَانِدٌ , not of عَنُودٌ. (L.) ― -b3- A she-camel that pastures aside; (S, O;) that does not mix with the other camels, but removes to a distance from them, and always pastures aside; as also ↓ عَانِدٌ and عَانِدَةٌ, (L;) that does not mix with the other camels, but is always apart from them; (IAth;) that is on one side of the other camels: (IAar and Aboo-Nasr:) pl. of the first عُنُدٌ; (S, O, L;) and of the second and third, عُنَّدٌ and عَوَانِدُ. (L.) ― -b4- A she-camel that continues to be opposite to the other camels, [or by their side;] keeping pace with them: one that precedes them, or leads them, is termed سَلُوفٌ: so says El-Keysee: but accord. to ISd, عَنُودٌ is applied to a beast (دَابَّة), and to a wild ass, that precedes others in her pace. (L.) ― -b5- A man who alights in a place by himself, and mixes not with other persons. (A.) ― -b6- See also عَنِيدٌ. ― -b7- قِدْحٌ عَنُودٌ [An arrow of those used in the game called المَيْسِر] that comes forth [from the رِبَابَة] successful, in a direction, or manner, different from that of the other arrows. (O, L, K.) ― -b8- عَنُودُ المِرْفَقِ [A beast] having the elbow far from the زَوْر [or breast]. (S, O, L.) ― -b9- عَقَبَةٌ عَنُودٌ [A mountain road] difficult of ascent. (L.) ― -b10- سَحَابَةٌ عَنُودٌ (tropical:) A cloud abounding with rain: (O, L, K:) or that hardly removes from its place: (A:) pl. عُنُدٌ. (O, L.)

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