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عُلَّيْقٌ ذ and ↓ عُلَّيْقَى A certain plant that clings to tree; (S, O, K;) sometimes called by the latter name; (S;) in Pers. called سَرَنْد (S, O) or سِرِنْد: (S; in one of my copies of which it is written سَرَنْد:) [agreeably with this description, the former appellation is now applied to the convolvulus arvensis of Linn., or field-bindweed: (so in Delile's Flor. Aegypt. Illustr., no. 222:) and to a species of dolichos; dolichos nilotica; dolichos sinensis of Forskål: and any climbing plant: (no. 669 in the same:) but it is also said to be applied to the rubus fruticosus, or common bramble: (Forskål's Flor. Aegypt. Arab., p. cxiii.:) and, agreeably with what here follows, it is now often applied to the rubus Idæus, or raspberry:] accord. to AHn, both of these appellations signify a thorny tree [or shrub], that does not grow large, such that when a thing catches to it, it can hardly become free, by reason of the numerousness of its thorns, which are curved and sharp; and it has a fruit resembling the فِرْصَاد [or mulberry], (O, TA,) which, when it becomes ripe, blackens, and is eaten; (O;) [see also تُوتٌ;] and it is called in Pers. دَرْكَه [?]; (O, TA;) they assert that it is the tree in which Moses beheld the fire; (O;) and the places of its growth are thickets, and tracts abounding with trees: (O, TA:) the chewing it hardens, or strengthens, the gum, and cures the [disease in the mouth called] قُلَاع; and a dressing, or poultice, thereof cures whiteness of the eye, and the swelling, or protrusion, thereof, and the piles; and its root, or stem, (أَصْلُهُ,) crumbles stones in the kidney. (K.) عُلَّيْقُ الجَبَلِ [in the CK الخَيْلِ] is A certain plant: and عُلَّيقُ الكَلْبِ [one of the appellations now applied to The eglantine, or sweet brier, more commonly called the نِسْرِين,] is another plant. (K.)

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