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2 عوّدهُ إِِيَّاهُ ذ He accustomed, or habituated, him to it. (Msb, K.) One says, عوّد كَلْبَهُ الصَّيْدَ He accustomed, or habituated, his dog to the chase. (S, O.) And هٰذَا أَمْرٌ يُعَوِّدُ النَّاسَ عَلَىَّ is a saying mentioned by Aboo-'Adnán as meaning This is a thing that causes men to become accustomed, or addicted, to treating me wrongfully. (O, TA.) -A2- عوّد [from the subst. عُوَادَةٌ] He (a man, O) ate what is termed عُوَادَة, (O, K,) i. e. food brought again after its having been once eaten of. (O.) -A3- عوّد said of a camel, (S, O, K,) and of a sheep or goat, (IAth, TA,) inf. n. تَعْوِيدٌ, (K,) He became such as is termed عَوْد [i. e. old, &c.]: (S, O, K:) or, said of a camel, he exceeded the period of his بُزُول [q. v.] by three, or four, years: one does not say of a she-camel عوّدت. (T, TA.) And, said of a man, He became advanced in age, or years. (IAar, TA.) -A4- عيّد [from عِيدٌ, and therefore retaining the ى in the place of the original و], (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَعْيِيدٌ, (Msb,) He was present on the occasion of the عِيد [or periodical festival; or at the prayers, or other observances, thereof; or he kept, observed, or solemnized, the festival, or a festival]. (S, Msb, K.) One says, عيّد بِبَلَدِ كَذَا, meaning He was, on the day of the عِيد, [or he kept the عيد or an عيد,] in such a town, or country. (O.)

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