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العَيُّوقُ ذ A red [?] bright star in, or on, the right [?] edge of the Milky Way, following, not preceding, الثُّرَيَّا [the Pleiades]; rising before الجَوْزَآء [by which may be meant either Orion or Gemini]: (TA:) when it has risen, it is known that الثُّرَيَّا has risen: (O:) [it is the well-known name of the star Capella, notwithstanding its being described above as “ red, ” and as in, or on, the “ right ” of the Milky Way; for Capella, though not now red, has been observed to alter in brightness by astronomers in very recent times; and I think that the word rendered above “ right, ” which is أَيْمَن, is probably a mistranscription for أَيْسَر, i. e. “ left: ” the description here following plainly indicates Capella:] it is the bright star [a] upon the left shoulder of Auriga: that upon the left elbow is العَنْزُ: the two on the left wrist together with العيّوق are called العِنَازُ: [see عَنْزٌ:] it is also called the رَقِيب [or watcher] of الثُّرَيَّا, because it rises therewith at many places: and the star on the right shoulder [i. e. β ] with the two upon the ankle-joints [which may be θ and ι , for the constellation, is variously figured,] are called تَوابِعُ العَيُّوقِ: (Kzw:) it is [said to be] called العيّوق because of its [being regarded as] impeding الدَّبَرَان from meeting الثُّرَيَّا: (TA:) عَيُّوق, (Lth, Az, S, O,) is originally عَيْوُوق, (S, O,) its medial radical being و; or it may be ى. (Lth, Az, TA.) One says also, هٰذَا عَيُّوقُ طَالِعًا [meaning This is العَيُّوقُ rising]; suppressing the ال, but meaning it to be understood, and therefore leaving the word itself in its former determinate state [without tenween]. (IAar, TA.)

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