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Alcea1 is a plant with leaves, resembling those of vervain,2 known also as "peristereon," some three or four stems covered with leaves, a flower like that of the rose, and white roots, at most six in number, a cubit in length, and running obliquely. It grows in a soil that is rich without being dry. The root is given in wine or water, for dysentery, diarrhœa, ruptures, and convulsions.

1 Identified by Fée with the Malva alcea of Linnæus, the Vervain mallow, an emollient and, comparatively, inert plant. Littré gives as its synonym the Malope malachoïdes, Marsh mallow. Sibthorp identifies it with the Hibiscus trionum, and Anguillara with the Althæa cannabina of Linnæus. It is probably the same plant as the Alcima, mentioned several times in B. xxvi.

2 See B. xxv. c. 59.

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load focus Latin (Karl Friedrich Theodor Mayhoff, 1906)
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