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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 264 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 162 0 Browse Search
Raphael Semmes, Memoirs of Service Afloat During the War Between the States 92 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 86 0 Browse Search
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition 80 0 Browse Search
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 36 0 Browse Search
James Russell Soley, Professor U. S. Navy, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, The blockade and the cruisers (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 16 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 12 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 12 0 Browse Search
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 10 0 Browse Search
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h the satisfactory flow of nearly 23,000 cubic feet of air per minute was obtained. 2. An iron plate temporarily placed in front of an open fire, to urge the combustion. 3. A machine for separating the hair from the fur fibers. See Blowingmachine. Blow′er and Spread′er. (Cotton-manufacture.) A machine for spreading cotton into a lap, the action of beaters and blower being conjoined for the purpose. See cotton-cleaning machine. Blow-gun. Used by the Barbados Indians of Brazil and other aborigines of South America. A similar contrivance is employed by some of the Malays, by whom it is called sumpitan. The arrows are about fifty inches long, made of a yellow reed and tipped with hard wood, which has a spike of cocourite wood poisoned. The spike is cut half through, so as to break off in the wound, that the arrow-shaft may drop and be recovered. See air-gun. Blow′ing-cyl′in-der. (Pneumatics.) A form of blowing-engine. Smeaton introduced the blow
l of the canvas. Canvas-stretcher. Can′vas-stretch′er. A quadrilateral frame on which canvas is extended for painters' uses. In the one shown, the miter-joints have dowel-pins, and are expanded by the wedges, the pins in the open center of the latter preventing their falling out. Caoutchouc. Commonly called gum-elastic or india-rubber. A substance derived from the sap of various trees, of which the Jatropha elastica, called by the natives hevee, flourishing in the plains of Brazil, toward the lower part of the Amazon River, is the principal source of production. It was first brought to Europe in the early part of the eighteenth century, and fifty years later was mentioned by Dr. Priestly as a substance excellently adapted for removing pencil-marks from paper. Crumb of bread had previously been employed for this purpose. The sap, obtained by tapping the trees, is dried over a fire, which gives it the dark appearance observable in the rubber of commerce. For many
The ribs are rubbed to render them pliant, and the vanes curled by pressure with a blunt knife. They are dyed rose-color by safflower and lemonjuice; red by Brazil wood followed by cudbear; blue by indigo; yellow by turmeric; alum is the usual mordant. The beautiful aniline colors are fast superseding the others for superlly at the end, like our clarinet. Captain Speke found one of the native kings of Equatorial Africa proficient after his style. Flutes of ancient Egypt and of Brazil. The instrument called a flute in the translation of the Book of Daniel may have been the pandean pipes, which are very ancient, or it may have been the fluting in at either end. Another has a swelled, wooden mouthpiece, and no side opening. Dual bone-flutes with finger-holes are yet used in the northern provinces of Brazil; besides bamboo flutes and instruments, with which the voices of wild beasts are imitated with singular accuracy. The Peruvians, among a multitude of musical i
milar to the diamond. The spatula at the other end is used for puttying, etc. The diamond is crystallized carbon. Diamonds were first brought to Europe from the mine of Sumbalpoor. The Golconda mines were discovered in 1534. The mines of Brazil in 1728. Those in the Ural in 1829. The great Russian diamond weighs 193 carats; cost, £ 104,166 13 s. 4 d. in 1772. The Pitt diamond weighed 136 carats; sold to the king of France for £ 125,000, in 1720. The Koh-i-noor was found in 1550. It sawdust, resin, bran, sand, ashes, wood shavings, is as old as the writings of Siemienowicz, 1651. He remarked, very truly, that they have the effect of making the powder burn more slowly. The practice has been again and again introduced, in Brazil about 1800; by Thurnagel in Germany; Thomassin and Leblanc in France; Firzoo in Russia. Dr. Gale has shown that by the addition of sand in certain proportions the powder is rendered nonexplosive. The white gun powder invented by Captain Sch
nd in machinery subject to jar, and particularly in railroadrail fastenings and fish-plates. See nut-lock. 3. The screwed sleeve which operates the movable jaw of a monkeywrench. 4. One of the rollers or crushingcylinders of a cider-mill. 5. (Nautical.) A projection on the shank of an anchor to hold the stock in place. 6. (Fire-arms.) The tumbler of a gun-lock. Nut-cracker. Nut-crack′er. An implement with jaws for cracking hard-shell nuts, such as hickory, walnut, Brazil, etc. The short arm of the lever is pivoted to the moving jaw, and it has fulcrum bearing in shackles which are pivoted to the fixed jaw and curved backward to give access to the jaws. Nut-fa′ten-ing. See nut-lock. Nut-locks. Nut-lock. (Machinery.) A means for fastening a bolt-nut in place, preventing its becoming loose by the jarring or tremulous motion of the machinery. Such are used upon fish-bars of railways, upon harvesters, and in many other places. In railways esp<
le2,146 AustriaMeile (post)8,297 BadenStuden4,860 BelgiumKilometre1,093.63 BelgiumMeile2,132 BengalCoss2,000 BirmahDain4,277 BohemiaLeague (16 to 1°)7,587 BrazilLeague (18 to 1°)6,750 BremenMeile6,865 BrunswickMeile11,816 CalcuttaCoss2,160 CeylonMile1,760 ChinaLi608.5 DenmarkMul8,288 DresdenPost-meile7,432 EgyptFedf its not readily freezing. BirchBetula albaEuropeBark affords an oil by distillation. Used in the preparation of Russia leather. Brazil-nutBertholletia excelsaBrazilUsed for burning in lamps. ButtersTerm applied to the semi-solid greasy substances that exude from trees, as shea-butter, etc. Used for cooking and burning. Cacaes of this species of ash. Wax (Japan)Rhus succedaneaJapanA vegetable wax afforded by the fruit of the tree. Used in candle-making Wax (palm)Copernicia ceriferaBrazilWax obtained from the surface of the young leaves of the plant. Ceroxylon andicolaAndesWax obtained by scraping the trunk of the tree. Used with tallow to make
. Beet, a; e, III. 519, IX. 181, 186.Cyprian asbestus, d. Beet and mangold-wurzel root, b.Daphne, e, IV. 673, VI. 210, 247, XIV. 17, XVII. 171, XVIII. 5. Begonaceae, a. Berries, a.Decayed wood, c. Birch, a; e, XIII. 184, XVIII. 9.Diss, g, II. 115. Blackberries, a.Dog's grass, a. Blue cabbage stalks, d.Dunhee (Sesbanea aculeata), e, XIII. 126. Blue grass, c. Boehmeria, a; e, XIII. 126.Dury, e, i. 248. Bombax, a.Dust, a. Bracken, c.Dwarf palm, c; e, XI. 210, XVII. 171. Bran, a; c. Brazil wood, d.Dyewoods (spent), a. Brazilian grass, c.Earth moss, d. Brewery refuse, a.Ejoo, e, XIV. 17; f, XII. 19, 146. Bromeliaceae, a; e, v. 142, VI. 210. XVII. 171.Elder, a. Elm, c. Broom, a; e, v. 94, VI. 210, XIII. 117, XV. 113.Ericaceae rushes, a. Erigerone, c. Erytoxylon guttafereae, a.Lily root, a. Esparte, c.Lime, c. Espartero, c.Linden, c : e, XVIII. 9. Esparto grass, b; c; e, XIV. 19, XV. 69, 108, 121, 138 : f, VI. 132, 150, 166, 186, VII. 5, 21, XIV. 178, 296; g, II. 24
ico183.20 Cordova, Mexico112.08 Bermuda55.34 San Domingo107.6 Havana, Cuba91.2 Rio Janeiro, Brazil59.2 Maranham277.00 Cayenne116.00 Toronto, Canada35.17 St. Johns, Newfoundland58.30 St. JohncumDorema ammoniacumPersia, etcUsed as a stimulant in medicine. Anime or AnimiHymenaea courbarilBrazilUsed for varnish. The Indian kind known in commerce as Indian copal. Vateria indicaIndia Aspscopic objects, for varnish, and as a cement for optical glasses. CaoutchoucSiphonia brasiliensiBrazilThe solidified milky juice of many families of plants. Is very elastic; has the property of unith India, but have not met with much favor in continental Europe or America. A few are in use in Brazil, and in the United States several kinds are manufactured to order; but the demand for them is, alored. Pommeled, slicked, and hard brushed. The red color is given by alum and a decoction of Brazil and sandal woods; the black by a solution of sulphate of iron and sandal-wood. It is evident th
he nostrils, a smart inhalation distributes the scented dust over the membrane of the nose. Take out your box of right Brazil.—Pope. The taking of snuff—as a habit—is said to have been first adopted in Europe by Catherine de Medici. It was calack, 2 ounces. Boil over a slow fire; when cool, strain and add 1/4 ounce nutgalls. Crimson stain: Alcohol, 1 quart; Brazil wood, 3 ounces; cochineal, 1/2 ounce; saffron, 1 ounce. Steep and strain. Stair. (Carpentry.) One of a series ofwas taken by the Portuguese to Madeira in 1420, and soon afterward, in 1596, to the Canaries, from whence it was taken to Brazil and to St. Domingo. Its culture thence gradually spread throughout the West Indies. Barbadoes was supplied from Brazil Brazil in 1641, and the culture was introduced into Louisiana by French refugees from St. Domingo toward the close of the last century. For notice of beet-root sugar, see infra, also page. 255. Maple sugar was first made by the Indians, and La Salle r
which this leather owes its smell and durability. Brazil woodCaesalpinia brasiliensisWest Indies, Brazil, etBrazil, etcThe heart-wood affords a red dye. Used also to make red ink. BroomCytisus scoparius, or Sarothammus scopariusticMaclura tinctoria, or Morus tinctoriaW. Indies, Brazil etcWood affords a yellow dye. GallsQuercus infecto price with that grown by cheap labor in China. In Brazil, the shrub is found to thrive even more luxuriantlySouth America660 1874Pernambuco, Brazil, to Bahia, Brazil450 1874Bahia, Brazil, to Rio Janeiro1,240 1874ItaBrazil, to Rio Janeiro1,240 1874Italy to Sicily7 1874Jamaica to Porto Rico582 1874Rio Janeiro to Rio Grande do Sul840 1874Rye Beach, U. S., tot Egyptian paper was made. PiassabaAttalea funiferaBrazil, etcCoarse fiber. Made into brooms, ropes, etc. P nap of woolen cloth. Tucum-palmAstrocaryum vulgareBrazil, etcLeaves woven to make hammocks, etc. They also ae, otherwise spelt cohiba. It was known as petun in Brazil; piecelt in Mexico, or, according to other authorit
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