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7 انبتّ أناب أنب أنبت أنبتت انبت نبت ٱنبت It was, or became, cut off, severed, separated, or disunited, (Lth, T, S, M, Msb, K,) entirely, or utterly; (Lth, T, M;) namely, a thing; (M;) a rope, or cord; (Lth, T;) and a tie, or bond, of union between two persons: (T, M: *) as also ↓ بَتَّ , (Lth, AZ, T, M, Msb,) aor. بَتِ3َ and بَتُ3َ , (M, [so accord. to a copy of that work, but it seems to be indicated in the Msb (see 1, near the close of the paragraph,) that it is بَتِ3َ only, in this case,]) inf. n. بَتٌّ; (Lth, AZ, T, M, K;) and ↓ ابتّ , (T, Msb, TA,) inf. n. إِِبْتَاتٌ; (T, TA;) the last said by Lth and AZ to be trans. only; (T, TA;) but it is both trans. and intrans., like the second: (T, Msb, TA:) so says En-Nawawee, as mentioned above: see 1. (TA.) You say, اِنْقَطَعَ فُلَانٍ فَا@نْبَتَّ حَبْلُهُ عَنْهُ [Such a one broke off, or disunited himself, from such a one, and his tie, or bond, of union became severed from him]. (T, TA, [but in a copy of the former, for عن فلان, is put عَنْ مَالِهِ from his property.]) ― -b2- He became unable to proceed in his journey, his camel that bore him breaking down, or stopping from fatigue, or perishing: (A, * Mgh, * TA:) quasi-pass. of بَتَّهُ and أَبَتَّهُ. (TA.) You say, سَارَ حَتَّى ا@نْبَتَّ He journeyed until he was unable to proceed &c. (A, Mgh, TA.) [See also مُنْبَتٌّ.] ― -b3- His مَآء, (A,) the مآء of his back, (Ks, T, K,) [i. e. his seminal fluid,] became cut off, or stopped, or ceased, (Ks, T, A, K,) by reason of age: (A:) said of a man. (Ks, T, A.)

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