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بَازٍ أز بأز باز بازي (S, Msb, K) and بَازٌ [mentioned in art. بوز] (Msb, TA, and so in some copies of the K in this art.) and بَازٌ [mentioned in art. بأز] and ↓ بَازِىٌّ (TA) [A name given to several varieties of the hawk, or falcon;] a species of صَقْر, (K,) that preys, or hunts or catches game; (S;) the proudest and fiercest of birds of prey, found in the country of the Turks: it is said that this name is only given to the female, and that the male is of another kind, a kite, or a white falcon (شَاهِين), and hence the varieties of form &c. in different individuals of the species: that of which the prevailing colour is white is the best, and the fullest in body, and the boldest, and the easiest to train: this variety (the أَشْهَب) is found only in the country of the Turks, and Armenia, and the country of the Khazar: (Kzw:) [see also بَاشَقٌ:] respecting the derivation, see 1, in two places: the pl. (of بَازٍ, S, ISd, Msb) is بُزَاةٌ (S, ISd, Msb, K) and بَوَازٍ; (ISd, K;) and (of بَازٌ, Msb) بِيزَانٌ (Msb, K) and أَبْوَازٌ, (Msb,) the former a pl. of mult., and the latter a pl. of pauc., (TA,) or the former is originally بُزْيَانٌ [and therefore a pl. of بَازٍ]; (IKtt, TA in art. ميد;) and (of بَأْزٌ, K in art. بأز,) أَبْؤُزٌ [a pl. of pauc.] and بُؤُوزٌ (K in this art. and in art. بأز) and بِئْزَانٌ. (K in the latter art.)

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