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بَرَمَ برم برمة رم The fruit of the [trees called] عِضَاه: (S, M, K:) n. un. with ة: (S, M:) in its first stage it is termed فَتْلَةٌ; then, بَلَّةٌ; then, بَرَمَةٌ: AHn has erred in saying that the فتلة is above the برمة [in degree]: (M:) that of every kind of عضاه is yellow, except that of the عُرْفُط, which is white, (S, M,) as though its filaments, or fringe-like appertenances, were cotton, and it is like the button of a shirt, or somewhat larger: (M:) that of the سَلَم is the sweetest in odour, (S, M,) and this is yellow, and is eaten, being sweet, or pleasant: (M:) accord. to AA, the fruit of the طَلْح [or acacia gummifera, which is of the trees called عضاه]: n. un. with ة: (T:) sometimes, also, بَرَمَةٌ is applied to a fruit of the أَرَاك (M, * K, * TA) before it has become ripe and black; for when ripe, it is called مَرْدٌ; and when black, كَبَاثٌ: (TA:) and the pl. is بِرَامٌ (M, K) and بُرَمٌ, (M,) or بَرَمٌ. (K: [but the last is a coll. gen. n.]) ― -b2- Also Grapes when they are above, (M,) or when they are like, (K,) the heads of young ants. (M, K.) -A2- (tropical:) One who does not take part with others in the game called المَيْسِر [q. v.], (As, T, S, M, K,) nor contribute with them anything, (TA,) by reason of his avarice, (Har p. 382,) though he eats with them of the flesh-meat thereof; (As, TA;) but sometimes he shuffles, or deals forth, (يُفِيضُ,) the gaming-arrows for the players: (S in art. جمد:) likened to the بَرَمَ of the أَرَاك, because he is of no use: (Har ubi suprà:) and ↓ بَرَمَةٌ occurs in the same sense; [the man so termed being likened to a بَرَمَة of the اراك; or] the ة being added to give intensiveness to the meaning: (M:) the pl. is أَبْرَامٌ. (T, S, M, K.) And hence, (tropical:) Avaricious, or niggardly; mean, or sordid: (Har ubi suprà:) or heavy, or sluggish; (K, TA;) destitute of good. (TA.) It is said in a prov., أَبْرَمًا قَرُونًا (tropical:) [Art thou (تَكُونُ being understood after) one taking no part with others in the game of الميسر, as is implied in the S, or art thou] heavy, or sluggish, (K, TA,) destitute of good, (TA,) yet eating two dates at once each time? (S, K, TA.)

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