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بَلُّوطْ بلوط لوط [The acorn;] a certain thing well known; (S;) the fruit, or produce, of a kind of tree, [namely, the oak,] which is eaten, (Mgh, Msb,) sometimes, (Msb,) and with the bark of which one tans, (Mgh, Msb,) sometimes: (Msb:) or [the oak; or this kind of tree is properly called شَجَرُ البَلُّوطِ;] a kind of tree; the fruit, or produce, whereof they used as food, in ancient times; cold and dry (K, TA) in the second degree, or, as some say, in the first; or its dryness is in the third degree; or it is hot in the first degree; (TA;) heavy, coarse, (K, TA,) slow of digestion, bad for the stomach, occasioning headache, injurious to the bladder, but rendered good by its being roasted and having sugar added to it; (TA;) suppressing the urine, (K, TA,) and rendering it difficult; preventing exhaustion by loss of blood, and the emission of blood [from a wound]; good for hardnesses, with the fat of a kid; preventing the progress of [the disease in the mouth called] قُلَاع, and فروع [app. a mistake for قُرُوح, or wounds], when it is burnt; preventing also excoriation, and poisons, and looseness of the bowels; and very nutritious when easily digested. (TA.) [See also عَفْصٌ. ― -b2- Forskål, in his Flora Aegypt., p. lvi., mentions this name as applied to The common ash-tree; fraxinus excelsior.] ― -b3- بَلُّوطُ المَلِكِ, according to some, The walnut: accord. to others, the شَاهْبَلُّوط [a Persian word, and also used by Arabs in the present day, applied to the chestnut]: as is said in the Minháj. (TA.) ― -b4- بَلُّوط الأَرْضِ [applied in the present day to The herb germander, or chamædrys;] a certain plant, the leaves of which resemble the هِنْدِ بَآء [or endive]: it is diuretic; aperient; and wasting to the spleen. (K.)

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