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بُطْآنَ ذَا خُرُوجًا ذ , and بَطْآنَ, (S, K,) but the latter is extr., (TA,) i. q. ذَا خُرُوجًابَطُؤَ [Slow, or very slow, or how slow, is this in coming forth!]; (S, K;) the fet-hah in [the last syllable of] بَطُؤَ is transferred to the ن of بُطْآن, and the dammeh of the ط [in the former] to the ب [in the latter]; the meaning being one of wonder; i. e. مَا أَبْطَأَهُ. (S, TA.) [بطآن is an enunciative placed before its inchoative: and, being originally بَطُؤَ, it may be a simple enunciative, or an enunciative having an intensive signification; as that verb signifies simply “ it was slow, ” &c., and may be used as co-ordinate to رَمُوَ, meaning “ excellent is he in his shooting! ” &c., and قَضُوَ “ excellent is he in his judging! ” &c.: or it may be equivalent to مَا أَبْطَأَ, as it is said to be in the S. See also سَرْعَانَ.]

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