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بَطْنٌ طن بطن بطنن The belly, or abdomen; i. e. the part of the body which is separated from the جَوْف [i. e. chest, or thorax,] by the حِجَاب [i. e. midriff, or diaphragm]; containing the liver and the spleen and the stomach and the lower intestines &c.; (Zj in his “ Khalk el-Insán; ” [in which it is erroneously said to comprise also the lungs;]) contr. of ظَهْرٌ; (S, Msb, K;) of a man and of any animal: (TA:) of the masc. gender, (S, K,) and, accord. to AO, fem. also: (AHát, S:) pl. أَبْطُنٌ and بُطُونٌ (Az, Msb, K) and بُطْنَانٌ; (K;) the first a pl. of pauc.; and the second [as also the third] a pl. of mult., applied to more than ten. (Az, TA.) [Hence,] ذُو البَطْنِ [What is in the belly: but generally meaning] excrement, ordure, or dung. (K, TA.) You say, أَلْقَى ذَا بَطْنِهِ He (a man) ejected his excrement, or ordure. (TA.) And أَلْقَتْ ذَا بَطْنِهَا She (a woman, TA) brought forth; (K;) as also وَضَعَتْ ذَاتَ بَطْنِهَا: (TA in art. ذو:) and she (a hen) laid an egg. (K.) And نَثَرَتْ ذَا بَطْنِهَا, (T and Mgh in art. نثر,) and [elliptically] نَثَرَتْ بَطْنَهَا, (T and A and Mgh in that art.,) She (a woman) brought forth many children. (T in that art.) And it is said in a prov., (TA,) الذِّئْبُ يُغْبَطُ بِذِى بَطْنِهِ [The wolf is envied for what is in his belly]: for one never thinks him to be hungry, but only thinks him to be in a state of repletion, because of his hostility to men and cattle, (A'Obeyd, K,) though he is sometimes distressed by hunger. (A'Obeyd. [See various readings of this prov. in Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 500 and 501.]) مَاتَتْ فِى بَطْنٍ, a phrase occurring in a trad., means She (a woman) died in childbirth. (TA.) See also فُلَانٌ ا@بْنُ بَطْنِهِ. بَطَنٌ. means (assumed tropical:) Such a one is solicitous for his belly. (Er-Rághib, TA in art. بنى.) [Many phrases in which the word بَطْن occurs will be found explained under other words of those phrases; as ظَهْرٌ, and أَخَذَ, and عُصْفُورٌ, &c.] بَطْنُ الحُوتِ: see الرِّشَآءُ. ― -b2- Also The inside, or interior, of anything; syn. جَوْفٌ: and so ↓ بَاطِنٌ ; syn. دَاخِلٌ: (K:) pl. of the former as above. (TA.) Thus بَطْنُ وَادٍ means The interior of a water-course or riverbed [or valley; i. e. its bottom, in which flows, occasionally or constantly, its torrent or river]. (MA.) And بَطْنُ مَكَّةَ means The interior of Mekkeh. (Bd in xlviii. 24.) [Hence,] it is said of the Kur-án, لِكُلِّ آيَةٍ مِنْهَا ظَهْرٌ وَ بَطْنٌ, meaning (assumed tropical:) To every verse thereof is an apparent sense and a sense requiring development. (TA.) [See ظَهْرٌ.] See also بَاطِنٌ. [And its pl. بُطْنَانٌ is also used as a sing., meaning The middle, or midst, of a thing: and the lower, or lowest, part, or the foundation. Thus,] بُطْنَانُ الجَنَّةِ means The middle, or midst, of Paradise: (S, TA:) and بُطْنَانُ العَرْشِ, The lower, or lowest, part, or the foundation, of the عرش [vulgarly held to be the throne of God]. (TA.) You say also [بَطْنُ الكَفِّ and] الكَفِّبَاطِنُ (assumed tropical:) The palm of the hand [opposed to ظَهْرُهَا and ظَاهِرُهَا]: and [بَطْنُ القَدَمِ and] القَدَمِبَاطِنُ (assumed tropical:) The sole of the foot [likewise opposed to ظَهْرُهَا and ظَاهِرُهَا]: (Zj in his “ Khalk- el-Insán: ”) and بَطْنُ الحَافِرُ (S in art. نسر) and الحَافِرِبَاطِنُ (M and K in that art.) (assumed tropical:) [The sole of the solid hoof;] the part of the solid hoof in which is the نَسْر, q. v. (S and M and K in that art.) بَطْنُ الرَّاحَةِ is well known [as another name for بَطْنُ الكَفِّ, explained above; for الرَّاحَة is often used as syn. with الكَفّ]: and الخُفِّبَاطِنُ is [said to be] (assumed tropical:) The part of the foot of a camel or the like that is next the leg: and one says, ↓ بَاطِنُ الإِِبْطِ, [meaning (assumed tropical:) The armpit, or hollow of the inner side of the shoulder-joint,] but not بَطْنُ الإِِبْطِ: (TA:) [and العُنُقِبَاطِنُ the throat.] The بَطْن of a feather is (tropical:) The long, (S,) or longer, (K,) [or wider, i. e. inner,] lateral half: pl. بُطْنَانٌ; (S, K, TA;) which is explained as signifying the parts beneath the shaft: opposed to ظُهْرَانٌ, pl. of ظَهْرٌ [q. v.]. (TA.) ― -b3- Also A low, or depressed, tract, or portion, of land, or ground; (S, TA;) and so ↓ بَاطِنٌ : (TA:) [or a bottom, or low land; or a low, soft flat; i. e.] soft, plain, fine, low land or ground; opposed to ظَهْرٌ [q. v.]: (TA in art. ظهر:) pl. of the former, (S,) or of the latter, (K,) بُطْنَانٌ, (S, K,) a pl. of mult., (TA,) and أَبْطِنَةٌ, (K,) a pl. of pauc., and anomalous [as pl. of either]: (TA:) the former pl., in relation to land, is also used as a sing., like بَطْنٌ: (AHn, TA:) and accord. to ISh, بُطْنَانُ الأَرْضِ signifies the low, or depressed, tract, or tracts, of land, of the plain, or soft, parts thereof, and of the rugged, and of the meadows, where water rests and stagnates: and such tracts are also called بَوَاطِنُ and بُطُونٌ. (TA.) ― -b4- بَطْنُ السَّمَآءِ and ظَهْرُ السَّمَآءِ both signify (assumed tropical:) The apparent, visible, part of the sky. (Fr, T voce ظَهْرٌ [q. v.].) -A2- Also (tropical:) A tribe below that which is termed قَبِيلَة: (S, Msb, K, TA:) or next below the عِمَارَة: (S and TA voce شَعْبٌ, &c.:) or below the فَخِذ and above the عمارة: (K: [but for this I have found no other authority:]) of the masc. gender: (TA:) or [properly] fem.: but if حَيٌّ [said by some to signify a tribe, absolutely,] be meant thereby, it is masc.: (Msb:) or fem. if used in the sense of قَبِيلَة: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَبْطُنٌ and [of mult.] بُطُونٌ. (Msb, K.) [See شَعْبٌ.]

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