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حَشَرَةٌ ذ and حَشَرَاتٌ, (K,) each being a coll. n. without a sing.; (TA;) or the former is sing. of the latter; (S, Msb;) Any small animals that creep or walk upon the earth; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) as jerboas and hedgehogs and lizards of the kind called ضَبّ and the like: (TA:) or the former, (Msb,) or latter, (Mgh,) is applied to rats or mice, and jerboas, and lizards of the kind above mentioned, (Mgh, Msb,) colleted together: (Msb:) or any venomous or noxious reptiles or the like, such as scorpions and serpents; syn. هَوَامُّ; (As, K;) as also أَحْرَاشٌ and أَحْنَاشٌ. (As.) ― -b2- Also the former, Whatever is captured, snared, entrapped, hunted, or chased, of wild animals or the like, birds, and fish, &c.; (K;) whether small or great: (TA:) or the great thereof: or what is eaten thereof: (K:) thus in all the copies of the K; but the pronoun [in the latter case] does not refer to the animals &c. above mentioned: it is expressly said in the T and M that the word signifies whatever is eaten of herbs, or leguminous plants, of the earth, such as the دُعَاع and فَثّ. (TA.)

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