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5 تحوّز حاز تحوز He, or it, writhed, or twisted, about, (K, TA,) and turned over and over; (TA;) as also ↓ تحيّز : (K:) or was restless, or unquiet, not remaining still, upon the ground. (Lth, TA.) You say, تحوّزت الحَيَّةُ, and ↓ تحيزّت , The serpent writhed, or twisted, about. (Both in the S; and the latter in the K in art. حيز.) And مَا لَكَ تَتَحَوَّزُ تَحَوُّزَ الحَيَّةِ, and تَحَيُّزَ الحَيَّةِتَتَحَيَّزُ , Wherefore dost thou writhe about like the writhing about of the serpent? the latter verb, accord. to Sb, is of the measure تَفَيْعَلَ, from حُزْتُ الشَّىْءَ. (S.) ― -b2- He removed, withdrew, or retired to a distance, (A'Obeyd, S, K,) and drew back, (S,) عَنْهُ [or مِنْهُ] from him or it; (TA;) as also ↓ تحيّز ; (A'Obeyd, S;) and ↓ انحاز . (A.) You say, دَخَلَ عَلَيْهِ فَمَا تَحَوَّزَ لَهُ عَنْ فِرَاشِهِ He went in to him and he did not move for him from his bed, or mattress. (TK.) And El-Katámee says, (S, TA,) describing an old woman of whom he sought hospitality, and who eluded him, (TA,) “ مِنِّى خَشْيَةً أَنْ أَضِيفَهَاتَحَيَّزُ
الأَفْعَى مَخَافَةَ ضَارِبِكَمَا ا@نْحَازَتِ
She (this old woman) retires and draws back from me for fear of my alighting at her abode as a guest [like as the viper turns away in fear of a beater]: or, as some relate the verse, تَحَوَّزُ. (S.) ― -b3- He tarried, or loitered: he was slow in rising; as also تحوّس: he desired to rise, and it was tedious to him to do so; as also ↓ تحيّز . (TA.) AA says, تَحَوَّزَ تَحَوُّزَ الحَيَّةِ, [as though meaning, He was slow in rising like as the rising of the serpent is slow: for he adds,] and it is slow in rising when it desires to rise. (S.)

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