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1 حَجَا حج حجا , (S, K,) aor. يَحْجُو, (S, TA,) inf. n. حَجْوٌ, (TA,) He thought, or opined: (S, TA:) or he thought, or opined, a thing, and, doing so, claimed it (اِدَّعَاهُ), not being certain of it: (K:) [or he thought it and asserted it; as appears from a verse here following, cited in the TA as an ex. of the meaning explained as above in the K:] and بِظَنِّهِتحجّى , and تحجّى alone, he thought, or opined, a thing, not being certain of it. (T, TA.) You say, أَنَا أَحْجُو بِهِ خَيْرًا I think, or opine, that there is good in him. (S, TA.) And Aboo-Shembel says, respecting Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybánee, “ قَدْ كُنْتُ أَحْجُو أَبَا عَمْرٍوأَخَاثِقَةٍ
حَتَّى أَلَمَّتْ بِنَا يَوْمًا مُلِمَّاتُ
” [I used to think and assert Aboo-'Amr to be a trustworthy person, until, one day, misfortunes befell us]. (TA.) ― -b2- حَجَا القَوْمَ كَذَا وَكَذَا (S, K *) He repaid, requited, compensated, or recompensed, the people, or party, [with, or for, such and such things,] syn. جَزَاهُمْ; [so in my copies of the S, and in the K; but Freytag gives, as the reading found by him in the S, حزاهم, as though meaning he computed them by conjecture to be such and such in number; which is agreeable with what follows;] and he thought them to be so. (S.) -A2- He directed himself, or his course or aim, to, or towards, him, or it: (Az, TA:) and ↓ تحجّى الشَّىْءَ he directed himself, or his course or aim, to, or towards, the thing. (S, TA.) -A3- Also, (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He kept a secret: (K:) or he concealed it: (AZ, TA:) [and ↓ حَاجِى has a similar meaning; for] you say, لَامُحَاجَاةَ عِنْدِى فِى كَذَا, i. e. There is no concealment with me in respect of such a thing; as also لا مُكَافَأَةَ. (TA.) ― -b2- لَا يَحْجُو إِِبِلَهُ, said of a pastor, He does not, or will not, keep and tend, or pasture and defend, his camels. (TA.) One says also of a pastor whose sheep or goats [and camels] are lost by him, and become dispersed, مَا يَحْجُو غَنَمَهُ وَلَا إِِبِلَهُ [He does not keep his sheep or goats, nor his camels, from being lost and becoming dispersed]. (TA.) ― -b3- سِقّآءٌ لَا يَحْجُو المَآءَ A skin that will not hold, or retain, water. (TA.) ― -b4- مَاحَجَوْتُ مِنْهُ شَيْئًا I did not keep, or retain in my memory, of it, aught; as also ما هَجَوْتُ. (Ks, TA.) -A4- Also, (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He, or it, prevented, or withheld. (K, TA.) [See حِجًا.] -A5- حَاجَيْتُهُ فَحَجَوْتُهُ: see 3. -A6- حَجَا بِالْمَكَانِ, (S, K,) inf. n. as above, (K,) He remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, in the place, (S, K, TA,) and became fixed [therein]; (TA;) as also بِهِتحجّى . (S, K.) And حَجَا, (IAar, K,) inf. n. as above, (IAar,) He stopped, or paused. (IAar, K.) ― -b2- And حَجَا بِهِ, [inf. n. as above, (see Ham p. 523,)] He was, or became, tenacious, or avaricious, of it, namely, a thing; (S, K;) as also بهتحجّى . (TA.) And حَجِى بِهِ, (Fr, S, K,) aor. حَجَوَ , inf. n. حَجًى [or حَجًا], (TK,) He was, or became attached to it, and clave to it; (Fr, S, K;) as also حَجِئَ به; and بهتحجّى ; (Fr, S;) and تحجّأبه. (Fr, TA.) ↓ تحجّى also signifies He kept to the حَجَا, or place of bending or turning of a valley. (TA.) And بِهٰذَا المَكَانِتَحَجَّيْتُ I preceded you, or outwent you, to this place, and clave to it before you. (S, TA.) And [hence,] بِهِمْتحجّى is said to mean (assumed tropical:) He was first, or foremost, or quick, to blame them. (TA.) ― -b3- حَجِىَ, (K, TA,) aor. حَجَوَ , (TA,) is also [said to be] syn. with عَدَا, (K,) He ran; (TK;) thus bearing two contr. significations: (K:) but this requires consideration. (TA.) ― -b4- [Golius, as on the authority of the KL, assigns to it also the meaning “ Hilaris et lubens fuit: ” but in this sense it is said in the KL to be with ' for its last radical letter: see art. حجأ.] 3 حَاْجَوَحَاجَيْتُهُ فَحَجَوْتُهُ , (T, S, K,) inf. n. of the former مُحَاجَاةٌ and حِجَآءٌ, (K,) I contended, or vied, with him in intelligence or skill and knowledge, or in endeavouring to show my superiority in intelligence &c., (فَاطَنْتُهُ,) and I overcame him therein; (K;) from حِجًى [or حِجًا] meaning “ intelligence. ” (Har p. 9.) [And hence, I tried him with an enigma or enigmas, and overcame him therein: (see 6:) or] I proposed to him an enigma [&c.]: (T, TA:) [or I contended with him in proposing an enigma or enigmas, &c.]: i. e. دَاعَيْتُهُ فَغَلَبْتُهُ: (S:) so in the handwriting of Aboo-Zekereeyà, and in that of Aboo-Sahl, [and in my two copies of the S,] but in [some of the copies of] the S دعيته. (TA.) And حُوجِىَ بِهِ [He was tried with it as an enigma to be explained by him; or he had it proposed to him as an enigma]. (TA.) ― -b2- مُحَاجَاةٌ signifies [also] The asking a thing of one much, so as to weary; as also مُدَاعَاةٌ. (KL.) ― -b3- And حِجَآءٌ, (K, TA,) [accord. to the CK حَجًا, but correctly] like كِتَابٌ, (TA,) An engaging in conflict, or fight. (K, TA.) ― -b4- See also 1. 4 مَا أَحْجَاهُ ذ , and أَحَجِ بِهِ, How well adapted or disposed, or how apt, meet, suited, suitable, fitted, fit, competent, or proper, or how worthy, is he! (S, K, TA:) verbs of wonder having no corresponding verb of the measure فَعَلَ. (TA.) You say, مَا أَحْجَاهُ بِذٰلِكَ How well adapted or disposed, &c., is he for that! (S, TA.) 5 تَحَجَّوَ see 1, in eight places. ― -b2- You say also, تحجّى لَهُ, meaning He knew it, or understood it, readily, or with quickness of intelligence. (AHeyth, TA.) 6 تَحَاجَوْا حاج حاجى تحاج تحاجوا They tried one another with enigmas: [or proposed enigmas, one to another: or contended, one with another, in proposing an enigma, or enigmas: (see 3:)] from حِجًى [or حِجًا] meaning “ intelligence. ” (Har p. 189.) You say, يَتَحَاجَوْنَ بِأُحْجِيَّةٍ [They try one another with an enigma: or contend, one with another, in proposing an enigma]: (S, TA:) التَّحَاجِى signifying التَّدَاعِى. (TA.) 8 احتجى احتجى احتجي He found out, or discovered, (أَصَابَ,) that with which he was tried as an enigma to be explained by him. (TA.) حَجًا حج حجا or حَجًى A side, region, quarter, or tract: (S, Msb, K, TA:) and an extremity: (TA:) pl. أَحَجَآءٌ. (S, Msb.) ― -b2- A refuge; a place to which one has recourse for refuge, or protection; as also ↓ مَحْجًى (Lh, TA) and مَحْجَأٌ. (Lh, K in art. حجأ.) ― -b3- Elevated ground. (TA.) ― -b4- A place of bending or turning of a valley. (TA.) ― -b5- Anything by which one is veiled, concealed, or protected; (Mgh, Msb, TA;) as also ↓ حِجًا . (Mgh, TA.) [Hence applied to A parapet on the top of a house; as is indicated in the Mgh and TA.] -A2- Bubbles upon water, arising from the drops of rain: pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.] of ↓ حَجَاةٌ : (S, K: [in the CK, erroneously, حِجاة:]) the latter word, which is like حَصَاةٌ, is explained by Az as signifying a bubble that rises upon water, like a flask; and as having for its pl. حَجَوَاتٌ: and the same word (حجاة) signifies also a pool of water, itself, such as is left by a torrent. (TA.) -A3- See also حَجِىٌّ. -A4- حَجَا is also used, by poetic license, for حَجَاج, q. v. (TA in art. حج.) حَجٍ حج : see حَجِىٌّ. -A2- إِِنَّهُ لَحَجِىٌ إِِلَى بَنِى فُلَانٍ means لَا جِئٌ لَهُمْ [i. e. Verily he is betaking himself for refuge, or protection, to the sons of such a one; like لَحَجِئٌ: but by rule it should be لَحَجٍ; and thus, perhaps, it is correctly written]. (AZ, TA.) حِجًا حج حجا or حِجًى Intelligence, or understanding; (S, Msb, K;) sagacity, or skill and knowledge: (K:) [said to be] from حَجَا meaning “ he, or it, prevented, or withheld; ” because it prevents, or withholds, a man from doing that which is bad, or corrupt. (TA.) -A2- And i. q. مِقْدَارٌ [Quantity, measure, &c.]: pl. أَحْجَآءٌ. (K.) -A3- See also حَجًا. -A4- [Also said by Golius, as on the authority of J, to signify “ an enigma, ” as though syn. with أُحْجِيَّةٌ; but I have not found it in this sense in any copy of the S, nor in any other lexicon.] حَجَاةٌ حج حجا حجاه حجاة : see حَجًا. حَجْوَى حجوى حجوي a subst. signifying مُحَاجَاةٌ [i. e. A contention in intelligence &c.; and particularly, in trying with an enigma or enigmas; in proposing an enigma or enigmas; or simply the proposal of an enigma; see 3]; (T, TA;) the subst. denoted by حَاجَيْتُهُ فَحَجَوْتُهُ; (K;) [or rather by the verb حَاجَيْتُ, agreeably with the foregoing explanation from the T;] as also ↓ حُجَيَّا , (S, K, TA,) with a dammeh, (K, TA,) and with teshdeed of the ى; (TA; [in some copies of the K erroneously written حُجْيُا;]) and ↓ أُحْجِيَّةٌ : (S:) or ↓ حُجَيًّا is the dim. of حَجْوَى: (T, TA:) and ↓ أُحْجِيَّةٌ signifies a saying of which the meaning differs from the letter, as also ↓ أُحْجُوَّةٌ , (K,) but احجيّة is preferable, (T, TA,) and كَلِمَةٌمُحْجِيَةٌ , (K,) like مُحْسِنَةٌ; (TA; [in the CK, erroneously, مُحْجِيَّةٌ;]) [i. e.] ↓ أُحْجِيَّةٌ signifies an enigma; a riddle; (MA, PS, TK;) and so ↓ حُجَيَّا ; (PS;) or a question put to one with the view of causing him to make a mistake; (TA;) and is from حِجًى [or حِجًا] meaning “ intelligence, ” because مُحَاجَاةٌ is like a vying, or contending, in intelligence: (Har p. 9:) the pl. of ↓ أُحْجِيَّةٌ is أَحَاجِىُّ and أَحَاجٍ, (MA, and Har ubi suprà,) agreeably with a general rule relating to words of its measure, as أُثْفِيَّةٌ and أُمْنِيَّةٌ. (Seer, in Har ubi suprà.) One says, مَاكَانَحُجَيَّاكَ كَذَا وَكَذَا [The question of contention with thee in trying thine intelligence by an enigma, or the enigma proposed to thee, is, What is, or was, such a thing, and such a thing?]: it means a certain game, and a question put with the view of causing one to make a mistake: A 'Obeyd says, It is like their saying, Disclose what is in my hand, and thou shalt have such a thing. (S.) One says also, فِى هٰذَاأَنَا حُجَيَّاكَ , meaning مَنْ يُحَاجِيكَ [i. e. I am he who contends with thee in intelligence, or in trying with an enigma, &c., respecting this thing]. (S.) And ↓ بَيْنَهُمْ أُحْجِيَّةٌ يَتَحَاجَونَ بِهَا [Between them is a contention in intelligence, or in proposing enigmas, or between them is an enigma, with which they try one another]. (S.) هُوَحَجِىٌّ بِهِ هوحجي به هوحجي بة He is adapted, disposed, apt, meet, suited, suitable, fitted, fit, competent, or proper, for it; or worthy of it; as also ↓ حَجٍ , (S, M, K, TA,) of which the pl. is حَجُونَ; (TA;) and ↓ حَجًى , (S, M, K, TA,) which last has no fem. nor dual nor pl. form, (S, M,) retaining the same form as fem. and dual and pl.: (M:) and in like manner you say, أَنْ يَفْعَلَ ذٰلِكَإِِنَّهُ لَمَحْجَاةٌ Verily he is adapted, &c., to do that; (S, K; *) and إِِنَّهَا لَمَحْجَاةٌ; and إِِنَّهُمْ لَمَحْجَاةٌ. (S.) ― -b2- حَجِىٌّ is also syn. with حَرِيصٌ [Vehemently desirous, eager, &c.]. (KL.) حُجَيَّا حجي حجيا : see حَجْوَى, in five places. -A2- Respecting this word in the phrase حثجْ حُجَيَّاكَ, see حَاجَةٌ (in art. حوج), near the end of the paragraph. أحْجَى ذ More, and most, adapted, disposed, apt, meet, suited, suitable, fitted, fit, competent, proper, or worthy: (TA, Ham p. 523:) so in the saying, هُوَ أَحْجَى أَنْ يَكُونَ كَذَا [He is more, or most, adapted, &c., to be thus; or worthy of being thus]: (TA:) and فُلَانٌ أَحْجَى بِكَذَا [Such a one is more, or most, adapted, &c., for such a thing; or worthy of it]. (Ham ubi suprà.) Hence, in a trad., مَعَاشِرُ هَمْدَانَ أَحْجَى حَىٍّ بِالكُوفَةِ [The companies of Hemdán are the most worthy tribe in El-Koofeh]: or, as some say, the meaning is, the most intelligent tribe. (TA.) أُحْجُوَّةٌ ذ : see حَجْوَى. أُحْجِيَّةٌ ذ : see حَجْوَى, in five places. مَحْجًى محج محجى محجي محجيي : see حَجًا. مُحْجٍ محج Niggardly, tenacious, or avaricious. (K.) -A2- كَلَمَةٌ مُحْجِيَةٌ: see حَجْوَى. مَحْجَاةٌ محج محجاه محجاة : see حَجِىٌّ.

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