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حَظٌّ حظ Fortune; or particularly good fortune; syn. جَدٌّ (S, Nh, Msb, K) and بَخْتٌ: (Nh:) and a share, portion, or lot: (S, Msb, K:) or particularly a share, portion, or lot, of something good or excellent: (Lth, K:) some of the people of Hims say حَنْزٌ; but when they form a pl., they return to the original, saying حُظُوظٌ: and the ن is regarded by them as a nasal sound, not as a radical letter: and in like manner they do in the case of every word having a doubled letter, such as رُزٌّ and أُتْرُجٌّ, saying رٌنْزٌ and أُتْرُنْجٌ: (Lth, L:) the pl. (of pauc., S) is أَحُظٌّ (S, K) and (of mult., S) حُظُوظٌ (AZ, S, Msb, K) and حُظُوظَةٌ (Ibn- 'Abbád, K) and حِظَاظٌ (IJ, K) and حُظٌّ (AZ, K) and ↓ أَحَاظٍ , (S, L, K, [in the CK, erroneously, أَحَاظٌ,]) irregularly, as though it were pl. of أَحْظٍ, (S, L,) or it is regularly formed from أَحْظٍ, which latter is [irregular, being] originally أَحْظُظٌ, [which is the original form of the pl. of pauc. mentioned above,] (IB,) and another pl. is ↓ حِظَآءٌ , (L, [and so in the TA as from the K, but in several copies of the K ↓ حِظَّآءٌ , which is of one of the forms of quasi-pl. ns.,]) also irregular, being formed [from حِظَاظٌ] by a change of the second ظ [into ى and then into ']. (L.) -A2- See also حَظِيظٌ.

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