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Yankee jealousy.

The Yankees manifest their jealousy of England on every trivial occasion. It seems that there is a British ship-of-war at Annapolis, and her officers and men occasionally regale themselves with hurrahing for the Southern Confederacy. An Annapolis correspondent of that excessively decent, veracious and honest journal, the Baltimore American, is vastly indignant at the Britons, whilst enjoying the hospitalities of the harbor, to repay them after this wise. We were never aware before that the right of the vessel of a nation to cast anchor unmolested in the harbor of another was contrived an act of hospitality. But, this is Yankee Doodle's idea of hospitality, viz: letting you lie out of doors, in sight of his front gate, whilst he snores comfortably within. What an ungrateful rascal Boll must be not to appreciate such a gorgeous entertainment.

The Yankee consoles himself over Bull's predilections for the South by declaring that the Secession ladies in Annapolis over whelmed them with attentions, and even transcended the verge of female propriety in their de portment. The difficulty in giving currency to the slander which Yankee Doodle desires to insinuate is, that he has long ago lost his credit among all civilized people. He has lied so persistently from the beginning of this war, he has invented so many and such extraordinary lies, that no one be levels a word he says on any subject, and, knowing this, those who are the objects of his slanders are quite indifferent to anything he may utter. We are glad to learn that there are Secession ladies in Annapolis, and pleased to hear that they were polite to the British officers. Anything more we know could not have happened--first, from our knowledge of the character of Southern ladies; and next, from the fact that Yankee says they behaved improperly. If he had asserted that they conducted themselves with the most perfect propriety, then, for the first time, we should begin to suspect something wrong. This is the great disadvantage of lying all the time. No one pays any attention to anything habitual liars say.

We are not surprised that our enemies should manifest such sensitiveness to the preferences of secessionists for John Bull, over the elegant and fascinating Doodle. After the affectionate attentions he has lavished upon us of late, after endearments in word and deed which might have melted the heart of a tiger, can we have the base ingratitude to prefer such a wretch as John Buil to our loving and beneficent neighbor? The perversity of human nature is unaccountable. We are afraid that it will continue so to the end. Even if the valiant Doodle can subjugate our soil, he cannot conquer our hearts; he cannot make us love or respect, or do aught else but bate him, and wish him all manner of curses, and pray day and night that Heaven will visit upon him at last the just retribution of his sine. He cannot prevent us from wishing well to Great Britain or France, or Spain, and from preferring each and all of them, and the Turks and Algerians, to the barbarians who declare we shall be their slaves or be exterminated, and who bombard towns and cities full of women and children. It is true, we owe no favors to any foreign nation, but, nevertheless, we owe them justice; and, we know of none whose history and character do not entitle them to stand higher in the esteem of the world than the unfragrant abomination known as the Yankee nation. Moreover, as it seems to give disquiet to that people, we should on that account alone, and for the simple purpose of annoying them as much as possible, give all manner of preference in every way whatever to Englishmen, Frenchmen and Spaniards, those highly civilized and truly valiant people, over the pilfering and peddling crew who are attempting to thrust their wooden nutmegs down our throats at the point of the bayonet. If this country is to be subjugated, we would rather either of them should have it than the Yankees.

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