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أَصْقَعُ ذ , applied to a horse, and a bird, &c., Having a whiteness in the middle of the head: (S, O, K:) or a horse white in the top of his head: (Mgh:) fem. صَقْعَآءُ, (S, O, K,) applied to an eagle (عُقَاب), (S, O, TA,) and to a female ostrich [&c.]. (TA.) ― -b2- الأَصْقَعُ A certain bird, resembling the عُصْفُور [or sparrow], in the feathers and head of which is a whiteness, found near water; mentioned [in the K] in art. سقع [as with س in the place of ص]: (TA:) accord. to Ktr, (O, TA,) the bird called الصُّفَارِيَةُ [q. v.]: (O, K, TA:) you may form its pl. after the manner of substs. [i. e. saying أَصَاقِعُ], because it is an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates; or after the manner of the epithet [i. e. saying صُقْعٌ]. (TA.) ― -b3- Accord. to AHát, الصَّقْعَآءُ signifies A [bird such as is termed] دُخَّلَة [q. v.], of a dingy colour, small, with a yellow head, short in the زِمِكَّى [or tail] and the legs and the neck: (TA:) or, accord. to him, the صَقْعَآء with a yellowness is a دُخَّلَة of a dingy yellow colour, small, short in the زِمِكَّى and the legs and the neck: and all دُخَّل are with the Arabs of the [birds termed] عَصَافِير and حُمَّر: but the صَقْعَآء with a blackness is a دُخَّلَة of a dingy reddish colour, black in the head, and short in the زِمِكَّى and the neck. (O.) ― -b4- الأَصْقَعُ also signifies The forelock of a horse: or the white forelock thereof. (TA.) ― -b5- And الصَّقْعَآءُ, The sun. (S, O, K.)

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