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2 صمّم ذ , said of a sword, (S, M, K, TA,) accord. to the K, signifies It struck the joint, and cut, or severed, it: or i. q. طَبَّقَ: but this is at variance with what is said by J and other leading authorities; which is as follows: (TA:) it penetrated into the bone, and cut, or severed, it; but when it strikes the joint, and cuts, or severs, it, one says طَبَّقَ; a poet says, describing a sword, “ يُصَمِّمُ أَحْيَانًا وَحِينًا يُطَبِّقُ
” [It penetrates into the bone, &c., sometimes, and at one time it strikes the joint, &c.]: (S, TA:) or it passed into the bones: (M:) and ↓ صَمْصَمَ , said of a sword, signifies the same: (M, TA:) or تَصْمِيمٌ signifies a sword's penetrating into that which is struck with it without its causing any sound to be heard; from الصَّمَمُ in the ear. (Ham p. 326.) ― -b2- And hence تَصْمِيمٌ signifies also (tropical:) A man's keeping constantly, or perseveringly, to the thing that he purposes, until he attains [it]. (Ham ubi suprà.) One says, صَمَّمَ عَلَى كَذَا (assumed tropical:) He kept constantly, or perseveringly, to his opinion in respect of such a thing, after his desiring to do it. (IDrd, TA.) ― -b3- And صمّم, (S, Msb, K, TA,) inf. n. تَصْمِيمٌ, (M, K,) (tropical:) He acted, or went on, with penetrative energy, or with sharpness, vigorousness, and effectiveness, (S, M, Msb, K, TA,) in an affair, (M, Msb, K, TA,) and in journeying, (S, K, TA,) in this case said of a horse, (Z, TA,) and in other things; (S;) as also ↓ صَمْصَمَ . (K.) ― -b4- And (tropical:) He bit, and infixed his canine teeth, (S, K, TA,) and did not let go what he bit: (S, TA:) or صمّم فِى عَضَّتِهِ he infixed his teeth [or canine teeth] in his bite. (A, TA.) ― -b5- And صمّم الفَرَسَ العَلَفَ (tropical:) He (a man) enabled the horse to take of the fodder to such a degree that fat and repletion stuffed him. (K, * TA.) ― -b6- And صمّم صَاحِبَهُ الحَدِيثَ (tropical:) He made his companion to retain the narrative, or story, in his memory. (K, * TA.) ― -b7- See also the next paragraph.

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