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4 اصاب ذ , (M, TA,) inf. n. إِِصَابَةٌ, (M, K, TA,) He descended, or went down, into a lower land, or country; contr. of أَصْعَدَ. (M, K, * TA. [See also 1 as syn. with 5; and see 2, last sentence.]) -A2- اصاب القِرْطَاسَ, [inf. n. as above,] said of an arrow, [It hit, or struck, the butt, or target; or went right thereto;] (S, TA;) and ↓ صَابَهُ , (S, TA,) or صاب الهَدَفَ, (M,) aor. يَصِيبُهُ, (S, M,) inf. n. صَيْبٌ, (S, TA,) likewise said of an arrow, (S, M, TA,) signifies the same; (S, TA;) or صاب said of an arrow is intrans. (M.) And اصاب alone, [as though used elliptically,] (Msb, TA,) inf. n. as above; (Msb, K;) and ↓ صاب , aor. يَصُوبُ, (S, Msb,) inf. n. صَيْبُوبَةٌ, (S,) or صَوْبٌ; (Msb, K;) and ↓ صاب , aor. يَصِيبُ, inf. n. صَيْبٌ; (Msb;) likewise said of an arrow, (S, Msb,) It went right; did not deviate from the right course: (S, K, * TA:) or it reached [or hit] the object of aim. (Msb.) And نَحْوَ الرِّمِيَّةِصاب , (M, A, TA,) aor. يَصُوبُ, (A, TA,) inf. n. صَوْبٌ and صَيْبُوبَةٌ, (M, TA,) said of an arrow, (M, A, TA,) It went right towards the thing, or animal, shot at; (M, TA;) as also اصاب. (TA.) ― -b2- Also اصاب القِرْطَاسَ, (S, TA,) and اصاب فِى القِرْطَاسِ, (TA,) [said of a man, as is indicated by the context in the S and TA, He hit the butt, or target;] he did not miss the butt, or target. (TA.) And اصاب alone is said of an archer or the like [as meaning He hit the object of his aim]: (Msb:) one says, رَمَى فَأَصَابَ [He shot, or cast, and hit the object of his aim]. (A.) ― -b3- [Hence, likening an event, &c., to an arrow,] one says also, اصابهُ أَمْرٌ, inf. n. as above, (assumed tropical:) [An event smote him, or befell him;] and ↓ صابهُ , aor. يَصُوبُهُ, inf. n. صَوْبٌ, signifies the same. (Msb.) And أَصَابَتْهُ مُصِيبَةٌ (assumed tropical:) [An affliction, or a calamity, &c., smote him, or befell him]. (S.) And اصابهُ الشَّىْءُ (assumed tropical:) The thing reached him [so as to take effect upon him]: (Mgh, * Msb:) whence the saying, أَصَابَهُ مِنْ قَوْلِ النَّاسِ مَا أَصَابَهُ (assumed tropical:) [There reached him &c., of the sayings of the people, what reached him &c.]. (Msb.) [Thus tropically used, اصابهُ may generally be rendered It hit, struck, smote, wounded, hurt, affected, assailed, or befell, him. One says, اصابهُ مَرَضٌ, and وَجَعٌ, and اصابتهُ رِيحٌ, &c., (assumed tropical:) A disease, and pain, and wind, &c., smote, affected, or assailed, him.] And المَطَرُصَابَهُ , (S, Msb,) aor. يَصُوبُهُ, inf. n. صَوْبٌ, (Msb,) (assumed tropical:) [The rain fell, or lighted, upon him, or it; wetted him, or it;] he, or it, was rained upon. (S.) And السَّمَآءُ الأَرْضَصَابَتِ i. e. (assumed tropical:) [The sky, or clouds, or rain,] watered the earth, or land, copiously: (Lth, M, TA:) or it means أَصَابَتْهَا بِصَوْبٍ [it smote it with rain; or sent rain upon it]. (M, L, TA.) In the following verse, cited by IAar, “ فَكَيْفَ تُرَجِّى العاذِلَاتُ تَجَلُّدِى
حَمِيمُهَاوَصَبْرِى إِِذَا مَا النَّفْسُ صِيبَ
” he explains صِيبَ as being like قُصِدَ, and says that it may be of the dial. of him who says صَابَ السَّهْمُ; but [ISd remarks,] I know not how this is, for صَابَ السَّهْمُ is not trans.; [though, as shown above, he has mentioned it as being trans.;] and in my opinion, [he says,] صيب here is from the phrase صَابَتِ السَّمَآءُ الأَرْضَ [expl. above; the meaning of the verse being, But how should the censuring women hope for my constraining myself to behave with hardiness, and for my being patient, when the beloved of the soul has been smitten by death, or by the decree of death; for ISd adds,] كَأَنَّ المَنِيَّةَ صَابَتِ الحَمِيمَ فَأَصَابَتْهُ بِصَوْبِهَا. (M, TA. *) ― -b4- [اصاب is also used in many phrases in which its agent is likened to an archer.] One says, اصاب الصَّوَابَ (tropical:) [He hit the right thing or point, or the object, or aim, of his words or of his actions]: (A:) and اصاب السَّدَادَ [which means the same]. (S in art. سد.) And اصاب alone [means thus likewise; or] (assumed tropical:) he said, or did, that which was right. (M, K. *) And اصاب فِى قَوْلِهِ وَفِعْلِهِ (assumed tropical:) He hit the right thing in his saying and his deed; (Msb;) and so فِى رَأْيِهِ in his opinion; contr. of أَخْطَأَ. (A.) And اصاب بِغْيَتَهُ (assumed tropical:) He attained, or obtained, the thing that he sought, or wanted: whence the saying, اصاب مِنْ زَوْجَتِهِ [and so app. أَصَابَهَا (see سَفَقَ)] (assumed tropical:) He obtained his desired enjoyment of his wife: (Msb:) اصاب مِنِّى occurs in a trad., [as a euphemism,] said by the wife of Handhaleh, meaning (assumed tropical:) He compressed me: (Mgh:) and it is said in a trad., كَانَ يُصِيبُ مِنْ رَأْسِ بَعْضِ نِسَائِهِ وَهُوَ صَائِمٌ, meaning (assumed tropical:) He used to kiss [the head of some one or more of his wives when he was fasting]. (TA: and the like is said in the Mgh.) And اصاب مِنَ المَالِ وَغَيْرِهِ (assumed tropical:) He took, or took with his hand, of the property and other things. (TA.) And اصاب الشَّىْءَ (tropical:) [He hit upon, or lighted on, the thing;] he found the thing. (S, M, K, * TA.) And اصابهُ [(assumed tropical:) He found it, met with it, or experienced it; namely, a good or an evil event. And (assumed tropical:) He found it out, or discovered it; namely, an enigma (see 8 in art. حجو) or the like. And] (assumed tropical:) He found it to be right: and (assumed tropical:) he saw it, considered it, or held it, to be right. (TA. [See also 10.]) And (assumed tropical:) He aimed at it; (As, TA;) (tropical:) he desired, wished, willed, intended, or meant, it. (As, M, A, Msb, TA.) One says, أَصَابَ فُلَانٌ الصَّوَابَ فَأَخْطَأَ الجَوَابَ (assumed tropical:) Such a one aimed at, and desired, [to say] that which was right, (As, Msb, * TA,) and failed of giving rightly the reply. (As, TA.) And أَيْنَ تُصِيبَانِ (assumed tropical:) [Whither do ye two desire to go?]; a saying of Ru-beh. (TA.) تَجْرِى بِأَمْرِهِ رُخَآءً حَيْثُ أَصَابَ, in the Kur [xxxviii. 35, referring to the wind], has been expl. as meaning (assumed tropical:) [Running by his command softly, or gently,] whithersoever He desireth. (M, * TA.) And اصاب ا@للّٰهُ الَّذِى أَرَادَ, said in a trad., in reply to a question respecting the interpretation of a text, means (assumed tropical:) God desireth, or meaneth, [thereby,] what He desireth, or meaneth. (TA.) And اصاب ا@للّٰهُ بِكَ خَيْرًا means أَرَادَهُ (tropical:) [i. e. May God intend thee good]. (A.) And اصاب alone (assumed tropical:) He desired, or intended, or meant, that which was right. (M, K. *) One says also, اصابهُ بِخَيْرٍ (assumed tropical:) [meaning He did good to him]. (El-Muärrij, TA in art. اسو.) [But] اصابهُ بِكَذَا, (M,) inf. n. إِِصَابَةٌ, (K,) with which are syn. ↓ مُصَابٌ [in accordance with a usage generally allowable] (S, TA) and ↓ مُصَابَةٌ , (K, TA,) (assumed tropical:) [generally] means He afflicted him with, or by, such a thing; or gave pain to him thereby. (M, K: * in the latter, only the inf. n. of the verb in this sense; and so in other senses.) [Thus one says, اصابهُ بِشَرٍّ (assumed tropical:) He afflicted him with evil; or did evil to him: and اصابهُ بِمَكْرُوهٍ (assumed tropical:) He afflicted him with, or did to him, an abominable, or an evil, thing or action: and اصابهُ بِقَوْلٍ قَبِيحٍ (assumed tropical:) He afflicted him with, or said to him, a foul saying: and اصابهُ بِذَحْلٍ (assumed tropical:) He punished him by blood-revenge: and اصابهُ بِمَرَضٍ (assumed tropical:) He, (i. e. God,) or it, (a thing,) affected him with disease; or rendered him diseased: and in many similar cases, the phrase may be well rendered with a verb derived from the noun; like phrases in which “ affecit ” (a Latin equivalent of اصاب) occurs; as in “ honore affecit, ” meaning “ honoravit. ”] El-Hárith Ibn-Khuld El-Makhzoomee says, “ رَجُلًاأَظُلَيْمُ إِِنَّ مُصَابَكُمْ
أَهْدَى السَّلَامَ تَحِيَّةً ظُلْمُ
” (assumed tropical:) [O Dhuleymeh, verily your afflicting a man who has given the salutation of peace, greeting, is tyranny]: IB says that this verse is not of El- 'Arjee, as El-Hareeree imagined it to be: the correct reading is أَظُلَيْمُ, as above: ظليم is an apocopated from of ظُلَيْمَةُ; which is the dim. of ظَلُوم: some read أَظَلُومُ: and some, أَسُلَيْمُ: [the verse is cited accord. to this last reading in the S:] رَجُلًا is governed in the accus. case by مُصَاب [as an inf. n.]: and ظُلْمُ is the enunciative of إِِنَّ. (L, TA.) أَصَابَهُمُ الدَّهْرُ بِنُفُوسِهِمْ وَأَمْوَالِهِمْ (assumed tropical:) means Time, or fate, afflicted them by destruction, or extirpation, among themselves and their cattle, or possessions. (M.) [In the K, الإِِصَابةُ is expl. as signifying الاِحْتِيَاجُ: but the right reading is evidently الاِجْتِيَاحُ, as Ibr D has remarked in the margin of my copy of the TA; so that اصاب signifies (assumed tropical:) He destroyed, or extirpated; agreeably with an explanation in the sentence next preceding above, from the M.] مَنْ يُرِدِ ا@للّٰهُ بِهِ خَيْرًا يُصِبْ مِنْهُ, (assumed tropical:) occurring in a trad., means Him whom God intendeth good He trieth with afflictions, that He may recompense him for them. (TA.) And one says, مَا كُنْتُ مُصَابًا وَلَقَدْ أُصِبْتُ (assumed tropical:) [app. meaning I was not affected with weakness of intellect, or madness, and I have become affected therewith: see مُصَابٌ, below]. (IAar, TA.)

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