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صَمَدٌ ذ (with the article ال an epithet applied to God, M) A lord; because one repairs, betakes himself, or has recourse, to him in exigencies; (S, A, K; *) or, when applied to God, because affairs are stayed, or rested, upon Him, (أُصْمِدَتْ إِِلَيْهِ,) and none but He accomplishes them: (M, A, L:) or a person to whom one repairs, betakes himself, or has recourse, in exigencies: (M, A: *) you say, سَيِّدٌ صَمَدٌ, meaning a lord, or chief, to whom recourse is had: (A:) or صَمَدٌ signifies a lord to whom obedience is rendered, without whom no affair is accomplished: or one to whom lordship ultimately pertains: (M, L:) or a lord whose lordship has attained its utmost point or degree; in which sense it is not applicable to God: (T, L:) or the Being that continues, or continues for ever or is everlasting: (M, K:) or the Being that continues, or continues for ever, after his creatures have perished: (M:) or the Creator of everything, of whom nothing is independent, and whose unity everything indicates: or one who takes no nourishment, or food: (M, L:) also high, or elevated; (L, K;) applied to anything: (L:) a man above whom is no one: (L:) a man who neither thirsts nor hungers in war. (AA, K.) ― -b2- Also Solid; not hollow; (M, K;) in which sense it may not be applied to God: (M:) and so ↓ مُصْمَدٌ , a dial. var. of مُصْمَتٌ. (S.) ― -b3- And A people having no trade, or occupation, nor anything by means of which they may live. (K.) -A2- See also صَمْدٌ.

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