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مُصِيبَةٌ ذ , (S, M, A, Msb, K,) said by Ahmad Ibn-Yahyà to be originally مُصْوِبَةٌ, (TA,) and ↓ مَصُوبَةٌ (S, M, K) and ↓ مُصَابَةٌ (M, K) and ↓ مُصَابٌ (A, Msb) and ↓ صَابَةٌ , (M, K,) signify the same, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) An affliction, a calamity, a misfortune, a disaster, or an evil accident: (M, Msb, TA:) it is said in the Towsheeh that the primary signification of مُصِيبَةٌ is a shot with an arrow: (TA:) the pl. is مَصَائِبُ, (S, M, A, Msb,) the form commonly obtaining, (Msb,) but irregular, (M,) the Arabs agreeing in pronouncing it with ', as though they likened the radical letter to the augmentative, (S,) or they imagined what is of the measure مُفْعِلَةٌ to be of the measure فَعِيلَةٌ without a radical ى or و, (M,) and it is thought by As to be of the speech of the people of the cities, (Msb,) and مَصَاوِبُ, (M,) which is the original form, (S,) or is said to be so, (Msb,) and is said by Zj to be the form preferred by the grammarians, (TA,) and مُصِيبَاتٌ. (As, A, Msb.)

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