"Mentor," answered Telemakhos,
"do not let us talk about it any more. There is no chance of my
father's ever coming back [nostos]; the gods have
long since counseled his destruction. There is something else,
however, about which I should like to ask Nestor, for he knows much
more than any one else does. They say he has reigned for three
generations so that it is like talking to an immortal. Tell me,
therefore, Nestor, and tell me true
[alêthês]; how did Agamemnon come to die
in that way? What was Menelaos doing? And how came false Aigisthos to
kill so far better a man than himself? Was Menelaos away from Achaean
Argos, voyaging elsewhere among humankind, that Aigisthos took heart
and killed Agamemnon?"
"I will tell you truly
[alêthês]," answered Nestor, "and indeed
you have yourself divined how it all happened. If Menelaos when he
got back from Troy had found Aigisthos still alive in his house,
there would have been no grave marker heaped up for him, not even
when he was dead, but he would have been thrown outside the city to
dogs and vultures, and not a woman would have mourned him, for he had
done a deed of great wickedness; but we were over there, fighting
hard [athlos] at Troy, and Aigisthos who was taking
his ease quietly in the heart of Argos, cajoled Agamemnon's wife
Clytemnestra with incessant flattery.
"At first she would have nothing
to do with his wicked scheme, for she was of a good natural
disposition; moreover there was a singer with her, to whom Agamemnon
had given strict orders on setting out for Troy, that he was to keep
guard over his wife; but when heaven had counseled her destruction,
Aigisthos led this bard off to a desert island and left him there for
crows and seagulls to batten upon - after which she went willingly
enough to the house of Aigisthos. Then he offered many burnt
sacrifices to the gods, and decorated many temples with tapestries
and gilding, for he had succeeded far beyond his
"Meanwhile Menelaos and I were on
our way home from Troy, on good terms with one another. When we got
to Sounion, which is the point of Athens, Apollo with his painless
shafts killed Phrontis the steersman of Menelaos' ship (and
never man knew better how to handle a vessel in rough weather) so
that he died then and there with the helm in his hand, and Menelaos,
though very anxious to press forward, had to wait in order to bury
his comrade and give him his due funeral rites. Presently, when he
too could put to sea again, and had sailed on as far as the Malean
heads, Zeus counseled evil against him and made it blow hard till the
waves ran mountains high. Here he divided his fleet and took the one
half towards Crete where the Cydonians dwell round about the waters
of the river Iardanos. There is a high headland hereabouts stretching
out into the sea from a place called Gortyn, and all along this part
of the coast as far as Phaistos the sea runs high when there is a
south wind blowing, but past Phaistos the coast is more protected,
for a small headland can make a great shelter. Here this part of the
fleet was driven on to the rocks and wrecked; but the crews just
managed to save themselves. As for the other five ships, they were
taken by winds and seas to Egypt, where Menelaos gathered much gold
and substance among people of an alien speech. Meanwhile Aigisthos
here at home plotted his evil deed. For seven years after he had
killed Agamemnon he ruled in Mycenae, and the people were obedient
under him, but in the eighth year Orestes came back from Athens to be
his bane, and killed the murderer of his father. Then he celebrated
the funeral rites of his mother and of false Aigisthos by a banquet
to the people of Argos, and on that very day Menelaos came home, with
as much treasure as his ships could carry.
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