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The Germans in Carolina.

The Charleston Courier publishes an eloquent discourse delivered on the late Fast Day, before the German military companies and German population of Charleston, by Rev. L. Muller. This discourse discusses, 1st, The rights of the South in opposition to the North; and 2d, The duties of Germans as adopted citizens. Both these points are clearly set forth, the aggressions upon the rights of the States under the authority of the Constitution by the usurping despotism at Washington fully established; the conversion of this country from free and equal States into a brutal military power, such as those from which Germans have escaped in Europe, emphatically denounced, and the Germans of the South invoked to answer if they desire to see their country become a second Poland or Hungary. Upon the subject of the duty of the Germans, as adopted citizens of the Confederate States, Dr. Muller speaks with great distinctness and force. We make the following extract:

‘ "The German has a clear understanding of right and wrong, a holy inheritance from his forefathers, reared under the teachings of a Martin Luther. Where else would you stand but on the side of right and justice ? But could we quietly stand there, and not defend it with all our might ? True, the most of us were not born here, and therefore love of the country is not with us innate, as with our children; but have we no ties that bind us in love to our State ? Though we are like trees transplanted into another soil, yet all have taken root, more or less, and pity on him who has not;--he would be ‘"dry, and hinder the land."’ Tell me, friend, who hast found here the loving companion of life, is that place not dear to you where thou enjoyest the greatest earthly blessing ? Or thou, friend, whose children were born here, is their birthplace indifferent to you ? And look eye beyond on that silent place, where the green turf of hope covers your dearest treasures on earth — may it be father, mother, husband, wife, brother, sister; there, perhape, thou hast treasured up thy little ones, flesh of thy flesh, bone of thy bone — tell me, has not South Carolina holy ground for you ? Is it not a sacred duty to defend that soil ?

"This State, with its free institutions, has received us. It has called no one of us, perhape a friend induced us to come. But the State has adopted us, has protected us, and has admitted us to equal rights with all its citizens. We have found a home here — have been joy and sorrow, Here we have labored, received our compensation--one more, the other less; but none suffered want, and is

the time of trouble, should we basely turn our backs ? Never, never ! The country has shared with us in times of prosperity — we will share with it in times of trouble ! This is the duty of every good citizen; this is the sacred duty of every Christian.

"If any one should ignore this duty, either from selfishness or indifference, he has not the heart of a patriot. But why mention such an impossibility, when I see before me such a heart-rejoicing reality ? Almost a full regiment of my beloved countrymen, who have already hazarded their lives in defence of South Carolina's soil. Amongst them that veteran company, whose banner floated in the first strife for independence almost a century ago. They all have passed away — the old warriors — but their spirit is inherited by the German soldier of the present day; the spirit for liberty and justice ! You were amongst the first who defended the honor of the State, and nobly you have done your duty. My hear a wells with pride, that I am able to tell you so. Surely your wives, sons and daughters have a right to be proud of you, and the gratefulness of all our people, and the exulting remembrance of posterity is your reward. But a greater reward awaits the Christian soldier in the world to come.

‘"And of you all, my dear friends, whose presence graces this assemblage and whose eyes beam with grateful joy, I can say, of most of you from personal knowledge, of the others, convinced by their dutiful attendance here, that you are on the side of justice, and liberty. Yes, this assemblage is a practical demonstration that we all will stand for the rights of the South, and do our duty. And God knows it, if all of us cannot fight for our new fatherland, we have the privilege to pray for it. And pray for it we will, to day, and as long as our breath will last; as long as the beamed of South Carolina's sun shines upon us. This is our sacred duty."’

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