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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 568 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 440 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 166 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10 114 0 Browse Search
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 72 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 62 0 Browse Search
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia. 54 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 48 0 Browse Search
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.) 38 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition. 36 0 Browse Search
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y of water, equal to the run of 3/4-inch pipe to each set of five stamps, passing through screens in the back and front of the box. These screens are made of thin Russia iron perforated with holes punched by sewing-needles. Auriferous sand is treated in divers amalgamating machines; it being already in a comminuted state, it isls's annealing furnace. The attrition of the particles during the operations of heating and cooling is to give the peculiar mottled and polished appearance of Russia sheetiron. Wood's annealing furnace. In wood's annealing furnace, 1867, the box has track wheels. Its lower plate has an upwardly projecting rim to hold ts performances. Large telescopes, equatorially mounted, are in the observatories of Cambridge, Eng., Cambridge, U. S., Chicago, Albany, Alleghany, and Pulkowa, Russia. The equatorial of Melbourne, Australia, is a reflector. See telescope. As′tro-scope. 1. An astronomical instrument composed of two cones, on whose surfa
d that this bell ever was suspended. Says a correspondent of the New York observer : In Russia the bell is an instrument of music for the worship of God as truly and really as the organ in anas — Antique,India-rubber, Beveled,Levant, Boards,Morocco, Buff,Muslin, Calf,Roan, Cloth,Russia, Crushed,Sheep, Full,Vellum, Half.Velvet, etc. Bind′ing-cloth. (Fabric.) Dyed and stodes are known by the kind of leather with which they or their backs are full or half bound; as, Russia, morocco, roan, calf, sheep, vellum, etc. In one form of caoutchouc binding, the sheets are fas to be converted into a land vehicle. It was invented and used by Sir Samuel Ben- tham, in Russia, 1781, and was patented by him. He afterwards extended the idea to baggage-wagons. A flexible b among the savages of Turkestan at this day, and which we hope are now in course of abatement by Russia. Bull's-eye. 1. (Nautical.) a. A small pulley of hard wood, having a groove round the ou<
cts, the year is yet divided into 13 mining months. Contracts are thus made, and wages paid; it has the advantage of causing the month and the week to terminate on the same day. The Greek Church have not adopted the Gregorian innovation, as they consider it, and still use what we call O. S. (old style). The Jews have their own new year; so have the Turks; the Chinese celebrate their new year by making a dreadful din. The Russians yet adhere to the Julian style, so that in writing to Russia it is necessary to date thus, for instance, 1 2/24 March, or 25 September/7 October, or 28 December, 1872/9 January, 1873, as the case may be. The English civil year, from the 14th century till the adoption of the New Style of Gregory XIII. in 1752, commenced on Lady-day, the day of the Annunciation of the B. V. M., March 25; the halfyear was at Michaelmas, the Feast of St. Michael, September 29. Leases are yet drawn in England, occupation and rent being calculated with reference to the
of copper became covered with copper and would stand burnishing. It was not until 1838 that Mr. Spencer gave it a practical bearing by making casts of coin and casts in intaglio from the matrices thus formed. Professor Jacobi of Dorpat, in Russia, had been an independent inventor, and in the same year brought forward specimens which were much admired and caused him to be put in charge of gilding the iron dome of the Cathedral of St. Isaac at St. Petersburg. This dome weighs about 448,00 piece of metal whose function it is to keep the metallic solution to its normal strength. Copper and its alloys and German silver are the metals upon which gold or silver are most readily deposited. Electro-plating with iron has been done in Russia by a process invented by Jacobi and Klein; it is much more durable than copper, and is said to afford good results, having been used by the Russian government for printing bank-notes. A United States patent was granted for this process in 1868.
ency to mat or felt together, and must be oiled to enable it to be carded and spun successfully. The hair of rabbits, hares, and some other animals, is used in Russia as a felt foundation for bowls, dishes, plates, etc. It is brought to shape and then varnished; when complete, the utensil resembles papier-mache or varnished leaFrance, the Chassepot. Belgium, the Albini. Holland, the Snider. Turkey, the Remington and Winchester. Austria, the Wanzl. Sweden, the Hagstrom. Russia, the Laidley and Berdan. Switzerland, the Winchester. Portugal, the Westley-Richards. Prussia, the needle-gun. The well-known form shown at C, Plate 14,e set up at Millwall by Boulton and Watt, for rolling armorplates, weighs 100 tons. The Mahovo is the name given by the inventor, Captain C. Von Schubersky, of Russia, to an adaptation of the fly-wheel to accumulate a reserve of force to be used at intervals when a greater power is needed. Von Schubersky's Mahovo. A pair
orm it is called size. The coarser qualities, dried in flakes, are glue. When made from the membrane of fishes it is isinglass, the best of which is made in Russia from the air-bladders and sounds of sturgeon. Gel′a-tine—pro′cess. The action which is at the bottom of nearly all the permanent photographicprinting procesteristics of true, natural graphite, these being the marking and the greasy feel when highly purified. There are large deposits of compact granulated graphite in Siberia, but they are so far from any means of transportation that only the deposit discovered by Mr. Alberti has as yet been made use of, and that is under contract to tder burn more slowly. The practice has been again and again introduced, in Brazil about 1800; by Thurnagel in Germany; Thomassin and Leblanc in France; Firzoo in Russia. Dr. Gale has shown that by the addition of sand in certain proportions the powder is rendered nonexplosive. The white gun powder invented by Captain Schult<
ower was the bed-stone and stationary, and had a central pivot for the upper one, which had an eye. The upper stone was turned by means of a vertical handle. See grinding-mill. The mill adopted by Napoleon, and used by him in his invasion of Russia in 1812, consisted of two circular cast-iron plates, about 12 inches in diameter, placed in a vertical position. One was fixed, the other rotated by a hand-crank. The plates were indented all over with radiating grooves, and the corn was conduc in which linseed meal is warmed before being bagged and pressed. 2. The first pan into which sugar-water of the maple, or the juice of the sugar-cane, is warmed before dipping or running into the evaporator. Heat′ing—stove. The stove of Russia, Poland, and Northern Germany consists of a combustionchamber and a number of reverting flues in which the heated current gradually parts with its caloric. The fire-chamber is surrounded by a good non-conductor of heat, and the heated products o
ying signals, and the idea was elaborated in lectures by Ritchie in 1830. Baron Schilling, in Russia, in 1832, contrived a complicated instrument on this principle, in which a separate circuit and nuing to grow, — a natural effect of advancing civilization, — iron was exported from Sweden and Russia in large quantities and of excellent quality. The forests of these countries gave them a natura of the teak-wood backing, all the materials of the ship, engines, and armament were produced in Russia, by Russian workmen. A round vessel invented by the Russian Admiral Popoff is 100 feet in diatinous composition, composed of dissolved membraneous animal tissues. The genuine is made in Russia from the sounds and air-bladders of sturgeon, but other kinds are made either of clean scraps ofribbon, the block rotating and its axis gradually approaching the plane of motion of the saw. Russia affords a large supply of tusks from the remains of an extinct variety of elephant which once ro
ng compositions are stated: — Lignum vitae and spermaceti. Ivory-dust and spermaceti. Tin and petroleum residuum. Zinc and caoutchouc. Plastic bronze and caoutchouc. Type-metal and caoutchouc. Anthracite and tallow. Oxide of tin and beeswax. Journal-box. The carrier of a journal. See journal-bearing; axle-box; car axle-box. Journal-box Met′al. See Babbitt-metal; alloy. Jour′ney. A corruption from journal (which see). Juc′ten. A name by which Russia leather is known. Juften. See Russia leather. Juggle. A block of timber cut to a length, either in the round or split. Juggles. Jump. (Forging.) a. To upset by endwise blows, which contract the object in length, but thicken and spread it laterally. Applied to jumpers, tamping bars, axes, etc. See upsetting. b. To attach by a butt-weld, in contradistinction to a lap-weld. A transverse piece attached by welding is said to be jumped on. If formed from a portion of
18. Alum-leather. The skins are tanned white by a solution of alum and salt. This process is adopted in making wash-leathers. See tawing. 19. Bazil. Sheep-skins dyed with bark and used for making slippers. 20. Jucten. A name by which Russia leather is known. See Russia leather. 21. Hungarian leather. Made by a peculiar process, allied to tawing. See page 1142. 22. Patent leather. Made by a process of enameling. 23. Saffian. A kind of leather prepared in Asiatic Russia froAsiatic Russia from goat skins. 24. Maroguin leather. Same as saffian. Japanned, patent, varnished leather. See enameled leather, supra. See the above under their alphabetical arrangement in the body of the work. In connection with this subject it may be stated that sales of hides in the American market are made according to the following classification:— Green hides are those which are sent in just as they come from the animal, never having been salted. Part cured are those that have been salt
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