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رَذَاذٌ ذ , (T, S, M, A, L, K,) and by poetic license ↓ رَذَذٌ , (M, L,) Weak [or drizzling] rain, (S, M, L, K,) but exceeding what is termed قِطْقِط: (S, L:) or fine rain, but exceeding what is termed طَلّ: (A:) or the lightest of rain except what is termed طَلّ: (As, T:) or, accord. to El-Khattábee, and Suh in the R, rain more than what is termed طَشّ and بَغْش, but a little less strong than what is termed طَلّ, or like this last: (MF, TA:) or still, continuous rain, consisting of small drops, resembling dust: or such as is after [app. meaning more than] what is termed طَلّ: (M, L, K:) n. un. رَذَاذَةٌ. (M.) To such rain, the poet Bakhdaj, using the abbreviated form of the word, likens some of his verses; not as meaning weak, but as meaning continuous, or uninterrupted, and unruffled; while he likens others of his verses to rain such as is termed وَابِل. (M.) One says, يَوْمُنَا يَوْمُ رَذَاذٍ وَسُرُورٍ وَا@لْتِذَاذٍ [Our day is a day of fine rain, &c., and of happiness, and of delectation]. (A.) ― -b2- Hence, (assumed tropical:) A little wealth or property. (Har p. 57.) One says, نَحْنُ نَرْضَى بِرَذَاذِ نَيْلِكَ وَرَشَاشِ سَيْلِكَ (tropical:) [We are content with a little of what is obtained of thy bounty, and with the sprinkling of thy torrent of munificence]. (A.)

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