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1 رَضِعَ أُمَّهُ ذ , aor. رَضَعَ ; and رَضَعَ, aor. رَضِعَ ; (S, Msb, * K;) the former of the dial. of Tihámeh; (O, L;) the latter of the dial. of Nejd; (S, O, L;) or the former of the dial. of Nejd; and the latter of the dial. of Tihámeh, and used by the people of Mekkeh; (Msb;) and رَضَعَ, (Msb,) i. e. رَضَعَ ثَدْىَ أُمِّهِ, (IKtt, TA,) aor. رَضَعَ ; (IKtt, Msb;) inf. n. رَضَاعٌ, (S, Msb, K,) of the first, (S, TA,) or of the third, (Msb,) and رِضَاعٌ, (K,) [which is also an inf. n. of 3,] and رَضَعٌ, (Msb, K,) of the first, (Msb, TA,) and رَضْعٌ, (S, Msb, K,) of the second, (S, Msb,) and رَضِعٌ, (Msb, K,) said by some to be the original form of the inf. n. of the second, (Msb,) and رَضَاعَةٌ, (Msb, K,) of the third, (Msb,) and رِضَاعَةٌ; (K;) or the last two are simple substs. form رَضَاعٌ; (IAth;) said of a child; (S, Msb;) He sucked the breast of his mother; (K;) and ↓ ارتضع signifies the same. (Msb, TA.) You say, هٰذَا أَخِى مِنَ الرَّضَاعَةِ [This is my foster-brother]; and هٰذَا رَضِيعِى. (S, K. *) The saying, in a trad., الرَّضَاعَةُ مِنَ المَجَاعَةِ, and الرِّضَاعَةُ, means The sucking which occasions interdiction of marriage [with the woman whose milk is sucked and certain of her relations] is that of an infant when hungry; not of a child that is grown up: (IAth:) or that consequent upon hunger which is stopped by the milk in the time of infancy of the child; not when the child's hunger is only to be stopped by solid food. (Mgh in art. جوع.) You also say, of a man, يَرْضَعُ إِِبِلَهُ (S, K) and غَنَمَهُ (S) [He sucks the teats of his camels and of his ewes or she-goats, by reason of his sordidness: see رَاضِعٌ]. ― -b2- رَضِعَ اللُّؤْمَ مِنْ ثَدْىِ أُمِّهِ (tropical:) [He sucked meanness, sordidness, or ignobleness, from the breast of his mother]; (K;) i. e. he was born in meanness, sordidness, or ignobleness. (TA.) ― -b3- يَرْضَعُ النَّاسَ (assumed tropical:) He begs of men; (K, TA;) asks gifts of them. (TA.) So, accord. to IAar, in the saying of Jereer, “ وَيَرْضَعُ مَنْ لَا قَى وَإِِنْ يَرَ مُقْعَدًا
يَقُودُ بِأَعْمَى فَا@لْفَرَزْدَقُ سَائلُهْ
” [And he begs of him whom he meets; and if he see a cripple leading a blind person, El-Farezdak asks of him]: but [properly speaking] the مُقعَد is one who cannot stand, so as to lead the blind. (TA.) ― -b4- هُوَ يَرْضَعُ الدُّنْيَا وَيَذُمُّهَا (tropical:) [He sucks the sweets of the present world, and dispraises it]. (TA.) -A2- رَضُعَ, (S, Z, K,) with damm, as though what the verb denotes were natural to the person of whom it is said, (S, TA,) or the verb has this form because it is changed in meaning so as to be intensive, (Z, TA,) aor. رَضُعَ ; and رَضَعَ, aor. رَضِعَ ; (Ibn- 'Abbád, K;) inf. n., (Z, K,) of the former verb, (Z, TA,) رَضَاعَةً, (Z, K,) with fet- h only; (IAth, TA;) (tropical:) He (a man, S) was, or became, mean, sordid, or ignoble: (S, * K, TA:) or he was, or became, very mean, &c.: (Z, TA:) [see رَاضَعٌ:] or one says, لَؤُمَ وَرَضُعَ, for the sake of mutual resemblance; and the meaning is, [he was, or became, mean, sordid, or ignoble, and] he sucked from the teat of the she-camel, fearing lest, if he milked, any one should know of his doing so, and demand of him somewhat. (Msb.) -A3- رَضَعَتْ أَلْبَانُهَا (tropical:) Their milk became little in quantity; said in reference to milch-camels abounding with milk. (TA. [But the context in the TA suggests that this is a mistake; that the phrase is said of the wind called رَضَاعَةٌ; and that the right reading is رَضَعَتْ أَلْبَانَهَا; and the meaning, (assumed tropical:) It rendered their milk little in quantity.])

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