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أَرَحُّ ذ Spreading, (Lth, TA,) or widely expanded; (TA;) applied to a solid hoof, (Lth, TA,) and to a foot such as is termed خُفّ: (TA:) and wide; applied to anything: thus قَدَمٌ رَحَّآءُ a wide human foot: (Lth, TA:) and a human foot having the middle of the sole even with the fore part; (L, TA;) flat-soled; i. e. having, in the sole, no hollow part that does not touch the ground: (S:) and كِرْكِرّةٌ رَحَّآءُ a wide callous protuberance upon the breast of a camel: (TA:) and جَفْنَةٌ رَحَّآءُ a wide [bowl such as is termed] جِفنة; like رَوْحَآءُ; wide and not deep: (TA:) and جِفَانٌ رُحُحٌ wide جفان [pl. of جَفْنَةٌ]. (IAar, K.) Having a spreading hoof; (S, A, K;) applied to a horse, (A,) and to a mountain-goat: (S, A, K:) also, applied to a man, having a wide foot; (A;) or having, in the sole of his foot, no hollow part that does not touch the ground, (S, K,) as is the case in the feet of the Zinj; (S;) having the sole of the foot flat, so that all of it touches the ground: fem. رَحَّآءُ: you say اِمْرَأَةٌ رَحَّآءُ القَدَمَيْنِ: a high hollow to the sole of the foot is approved in a man and in a woman. (T, TA.) Also, applied to a camel, Having one foot cleaving to another. (TA.)

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