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رُبَّى ذ , applied to a ewe or she-goat (شَاةٌ), (S, M, &c.,) That has brought forth: (M, Msb, K:) and so if her young one has died: (M, K:) or that has recently brought forth: (Lh, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K:) or that has brought forth twenty days before: (M:) or that has brought forth two months before: (El-Umawee, S, M:) or that is followed, (M,) or accompanied, (As, Mgh,) by her young one: (As, M, Mgh:) or that is confined in the tent, or house, for the sake of her milk: (Msb: [see also رَبِيبَةٌ, voce رَبِيبٌ:]) accord. to AZ, (S, Msb,) it is applied to a she-goat, (S, M, Msb,) and رَغُوثٌ is applied to a ewe: (M:) accord. to others, the former is applied to a she-goat and a ewe, and sometimes to a she-camel: (S, Msb:) the pl. is ↓ رُبَابٌ , (As, T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) which is extr. [in form]: (M, K:) Lh mentions the phrase غَنَمٌ رُبَابٌ, or رِبَابٌ, which, he says, is rare. (M.) ― -b2- See also رُبَّانٌ, in two places. -A2- A benefit, favour, boon, or good. (AA, T, K.) [See an ex. in the first paragraph of art. جشأ.] ― -b2- A want; (AA, T, K;) as in the saying, لِى عِنْدَ فُلَانٍ رُبَّى [I have a want for such a one to supply, or accomplish]. (AA, T.) -A3- A child's nurse; syn. دَايَةٌ. (AA, T. In one copy of the T بابه; and in the TA راية. [Perhaps the right reading is رَابَّةٌ, meaning a foster-mother.]) -A4- A firm knot: (AA, T, K:) [and so, app., ↓ رُبَّانٌ , if correctly written thus, in the instance here following.] You say, إِِنْ كُنْتَ إِِزْرِكَبِى تَشهدُّ ظَهْرَكَ فَأَرْخِ بِرُبَّانِ , (TA,) or بِرُبَّا إِِزْرِكَ (so in the TT, as from the M, [as though for بِرُبَّى,]) and مِنع رُبَّى إِِزْرِكَ, (T, TA,) a prov., meaning (assumed tropical:) If thou place thy reliance upon me, then let me weary myself, and enjoy thou relaxation and rest: (T, TA:) here رُبَّى [properly] signifies a firm knot. (T.) [See also a similar prov. in Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 24.]) -A5- Also a name of Jumádà-l-Oolà [the fifth month of the Arabian calendar]; and so ↓ رُبٌّ : (M, K:) and likewise, (K,) or accord. to Kr, (M,) a name of Jumádà-l-Ákhireh [the sixth month]; and so ↓ رُبَّةُ : (M, K:) and this last likewise, (K, there expressly said to be with damm,) or ↓ رَبَّةُ , (so accord. to the M as transcribed in the TT,) a name of Dhu-l-Kaadeh [the eleventh month]: (M, K:) thus these months were called in the Time of Ignorance. (M. [See also شَهْرٌ: and see رُنَّى or الرُّنَّى, in art. رن.])

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