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2 رمّلهُ ذ , (M, TA,) inf. n. تَرْمِيلٌ, (TA,) He put رَمْل [i. e. sand] into it; namely, food; (M, TA;) and (TA) so ↓ رَمَلَهُ , (Ibn-'Abbád, K, TA,) aor. رَمُلَ , inf. n. رَمْلٌ; but the former verb is the more chaste. (TA.) Hence, in a trad. respecting [the eating of the flesh of] domestic asses, أَمَرَ أَنْ تُكْفَأَ القُدُورُ وَأَنْ يُرَمَّلَ اللَّحْمُ بِالتُّرَابِ, meaning [He ordered that the cooking-pots should be turned upside-down, and] that the flesh should be stirred about and mixed with dust, in order that no use might be made of it. (TA.) ― -b2- And He defiled, or smeared, him, or it, with blood; (S, M, TA;) namely, a man, (S,) or a garment, and the like; (M, TA;) and (TA) so ↓ رَمَلَهُ ; (K TA;) but in this sense also the former verb is the more chaste. (TA.) And رُمِّلَ فُلَانٌ بِالدَّمِ Such a one was defiled, or smeared, with blood. (T, TA. [See also 4 and 5.]) ― -b3- In relation to speech, or language, (TA,) التَّرْمِيلُ signifies (tropical:) i. q. التَّزْيِيفُ; (K, TA; [in the CK, erroneously, التَّرْنِيفُ;]) i. e., [as inf. n. of رَمَّلَ, The adulterating it, corrupting it, or rendering it unsound, or untrue; and as inf. n. of رُمِّلَ,] its being [adulterated, corrupted, or] unsound, or untrue. (TA. [See the pass. part. n., below.]) ― -b4- See also 1. -A2- And see 4.

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