Meanwhile, with the legion which he had with him and the soldiers which had
assembled from the Province, he carries along for nineteen [Roman, not quite eighteen English] miles a wall, to the
height of sixteen feet, and a trench, from the Lake of
Geneva, which flows into the river Rhone, to
Mount Jura, which separates
the territories of the Sequani from those of the Helvetii. When that work was finished, he distributes
garrisons, and closely fortifies redoubts, in order that he may the more easily
intercept them, if they should attempt to cross over against his will. When the
day which he had appointed with the embassadors came, and they returned to him;
he says, that he can not, consistently with the custom and precedent of the
Roman people, grant any one a passage through the
Province; and he gives them to understand, that, if they should attempt to use
violence he would oppose them. The Helvetii, disappointed in this
hope, tried if they could force a passage (some by means of a bridge of boats
and numerous rafts constructed for the purpose; others, by the fords of the
Rhone, where the depth of
the river was least, sometimes by day, but more frequently by night), but being
kept at bay by the strength of our works, and by the concourse of the soldiers,
and by the missiles, they desisted from this attempt.
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