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سَلِيمٌ ذ i. q.سَالِمٌ , (S, M, K,) which means Safe, secure, or free, (Msb,) from evils of any kind; (K, Msb, TA;) applied to a man: (M:) pl. سُلَمَآءُ; (M, K, TA;) in some copies of the K سَلْمَى, like جَرْحَى pl. of جَرِيحٌ; (TA;) [but this is probably its pl. only when it is used in the sense of جَرِيحٌ or the like, as seems to be the case from what follows.] Also, (M,) applied to a heart: (S, M:) بِقَلْبٍ سَلِيمٍ, in the Kur xxvi. 89, means With a heart free from unbelief: (M, TA:) or, divested of corruptness, or unsoundness: (Er-Rághib, TA:) in the Kur xxxvii. 82, some say that it means with a grieving, or sorrowful, heart; from سَلِيمٌ in the sense here next following. (Bd.) ― -b2- Also i. q. لَدِيغٌ [meaning Bitten by a serpent]; (S, M, K;) as also ↓ سَلَامٌ (S, K) and ↓ مَسْلُومٌ : (K:) app., (S,) as implying a good omen, of safety; (S, M;) or because the person is left (مُسْلَمٌ) to that [bane] which is in him: (IAar, S, * M:) and sometimes it is metaphorically used as meaning (tropical:) wounded: (M:) or it means wounded, at the point of death, (M, K,) as some say: (M:) pl. سَلْمَى. (M, and Ham p. 214.) -A2- Also, (M, K,) of a horse, (M,) The part, of the hoof, that is between the أَشْعَر [or hair, or extremity of the skin, next the hoof], (M, TA,) or that is between the أَمْعَر [q. v.], (K,) but the former is the right, (TA,) and the interior of the hoof. (M, K, TA.)

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