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Q. 1 سَرْطَمَ ذ He (a man) was, or became, silent. (Sh, TA in art. رطم.) ― -b2- [From what follows, it would seem to signify also He was perspicuous in speech, or eloquent.] سَرْطَمٌ ذ Long, or tall; (S, K;) as also ↓ سِرْطِمٌ : (K:) in the latter sense, the former epithet is applied to a man; as also ↓ سِرْطُومٌ and ↓ سُرَاطِمٌ : (M:) and a poet (namely 'Adee Ibn-Zeyd, TA) uses the phrase سَرْطَمُ اللَّحْيَيْنِ [long in the two jaw-bones]. (S.) ― -b2- And The gullet; because of its width. (M.) ― -b3- And, as also ↓ سِرْطِمٌ , Wide in the fauces, quick in swallowing, (M, K,) or that swallows much, (TA,) with [largeness of] body and make: (M, K:) or that swallows everything: held by Kh to be of the triliteral-radical class; (M, TA;) and mentioned in art. سرط. (TA. [See سُرَاطِىٌّ.]) ― -b4- And hence ↓ the latter, (assumed tropical:) An eloquent speaker: (M in art. سرط and in the present art., and K * in the former:) or perspicuous in speech; (M and K in the present art.;) as also سَرْطَمٌ. (K.) ― -b5- سَرْطَمٌ is also expl. as meaning الذى يستوعب الزمام [which may be rendered That takes the whole of the nose-rein, or leading-rope; but the exact meaning must be determined from the context]; and so ↓ سُرْطُمَانٌ . (Freytag, from the Deewán of Jereer.) سِرْطِمٌ ذ : see سَرْطَمٌ, in three places. سُرْطُمَانٌ ذ : see سَرْطَمٌ, last sentence. سُرْطُومٌ ذ : see سَرْطَمٌ, first sentence. سُرَاطِمٌ ذ : see سَرْطَمٌ, first sentence.

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