This summer were celebrated the Olympian games, in which Androsthenes, an Arcadian, was the first victor in the exercise called Pancratium.
And the Lacedaemonians were by the Eleians prohibited the temple there, so as they might neither sacrifice nor contend for the prizes amongst the rest;
for that they had not paid the fine set upon them, according to an Olympic law, by the Eleians, that laid to their charge that they had put soldiers into the fort of Phyrcon and into Lepreum in the time of the Olympic truce.
The fine amounted unto two thousand minae, which was two minae for every man of arms, according to the law.
But the Lacedaemonians, by their ambassadors which they sent thither, made answer that they had been unjustly condemned, alleging that the truce was not published in Lacedaemon when their soldiers were sent out.
To this the Eleians said again that the truce was already begun amongst themselves, who used to publish it first in their own dominion;
and thereupon, whilst they lay still and expected no such matter, as in time of truce, the Lacedaemonians did them the injury unawares.
The Lacedaemonians hereunto replied that it was not necessary to proceed to the publishing of the truce in Lacedaemon at all if they thought themselves wronged already;
but rather, if they thought themselves not wronged yet, then to do it by way of prevention, that they should not arm against them afterwards.
The Eleians stood stiffly in their first argument, that they would never be persuaded but injury had been done them, but were nevertheless contented if they would render Lepreum, both to remit their own part of the money and also to pay that part for them which was due unto the god.
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