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Introduction to the Historical Overview in Perseus
Geographical and Historical Introduction
The Early Greek Dark Age and Revival in the Near East
Remaking Greek Civilization
The Archaic Age
The Late Archaic City-State
Introduction to the Fifth Century
Clash Between Greeks and Persians
Athenian Empire in the Golden Age
Athenian Religious and Cultural Life in the Golden Age
Continuity and Change in Athenian Social and Intellectual History
The Peloponnesian War and Athenian Life
Introduction to the Fourth Century
The Aftermath of the Peloponnesian War
New Directions in Philosophy and Education
The Creation of Macedonian Power
Economic Strains on the Family
Manufacture and Trade
Agriculture and Private Property
The Daily Diet
The Loss of Slaves
Socratic Ways
Socrates' Search for Justice
The Effect of Socrates
Aristophanes on Socrates
Socrates' Guilt by Association
The Prosecution of Socrates
The Execution of Socrates
The Struggle for Dominance after the Peloponnesian War
The Corinthian War and the King's Peace
Spartan Aggression and Athenian Resurgence
Stalemate after the Battle of Mantinea
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