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“ [320] it, with Mr. Thompson, in January, and he said that Booth was one of the parties to whom Thompson had referred.” Now, Mr. Thompson was not in Montreal at any time in the month of January. The time and place of conversation with me is not stated, nor that any third person was present, so that it cannot be directly disproved, but since no conversation with Mr. Thompson took place in January, it could not be mentioned to me. As to the alleged conversation with Mr. Thompson in 1864, I here present, in full, the affidavit of an honored gentleman of this city, then residing in Canada, viz:

Province of Canada, city of Toronto, to-wit:

I, John B. Castleman, at present residing in the city of Toronto, but formerly of Fayette county, in the State of Kentucky, an officer in the Confederate army, make oath and say:

First--That I am well acquainted with Jacob Thompson and W. W. Cleary.

Second--That I was in the city of Toronto in the early part of August last (1864), in the company of the said Jacob Thompson and W. W. Cleary, and know that Richard Montgomery, then passing under the name of James Thompson, was at that time known to them as a United.State detective and spy from New York.

Third--That said Montgomery was recognized and denounced as a Federal detective in the employ of United States Marshal Murray, within a few hours after his arrival in Toronto, by a friend from New York city, then present.

Fourth--That the said Jacob Thompson and Cleary conversed with me at that time as to their knowledge of the true character of Montgomery, alias Thompson.

Fifth--That Montgomery, so soon as he was discovered, left the Queen's hotel, where he was stopping, and, I believe, the city of Toronto, for I, with others, searched for him and was unable to find him.

Sixth--That I was on intimate terms with said Jacob Thompson and W. W. Cleary, both before and since the day on which Montgomery came to Toronto, and have never seen or heard of him .being with them at any time, and do not believe he could have been in their company without my knowledge.

Sworn to before me, at the city of Toronto, this 19th day of August, A. D. , 1865.

I. M. Canavan, Justice of the Peace.

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