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Company G, Twenty-Sixth Virginia regiment. [from the Richmond, Va., dispatch, June 26, 1901.1

The following is a muster-roll of the above company:

Captain Robert H. Spencer; living.

First Lieutenant Robert B. Roy; died at home.

Second Lieutenant M. B. Davis; killed at Hatcher's Run.

Third Lieutenant A. P. Bird; wounded at Johns Island; died at home.

First Sergeant Jacob W. Turner; living.

Second Sergeant William J. Jackson; died at home.

Third Sergeant William J. Eubank; living.

Fourth Sergeant Frank A. Marshall; killed at Petersburg, June 15, 1864.

Fifth Sergeant James M. Bew; died at home.

First Corporal George T. Hart; living.

Second Corporal George W. Turner; killed at Petersburg, June 15, 1864.

Third Corporal James H. Turner; died at home.

Fourth Corporal George W. Hays; killed at Petersburg, June 15, 1864.

Private Horace Acree; living. William N. Acree; killed at the Howlett House, May 20, 1864.

Dr. James E. Bland; living.

George Brown; died at hospital.

James L. Brown; died at home.

William T. Bray; died at home.

Hezekiah Bew; died at home.

John Bew; died at home.

William G. Brooks; died at home.

Richard C. Burton; living.

Robert B. Burton; died at home.

Richard E. Burton; died at home.

Samuel S. Crittendon; died at home.

George W. Cardwell; wounded at Johns Island; living.

James M. Cardwell; died at Plarisburg, June 15, 1864.

George W. Cawthorn; living. [241]

John Colly; died at home.

James Colly; living.

Charles Collier; died at home.

Frank Carter; died at home.

Robert Carter; died at home.

W. S. Courtney, captured at Petersburg, June 15, 1864; living.

Levi Carlton; died at home.

William B. Carlton; living.

Ira Carlton; died at hospital.

Junius A. Davis; died at home.

Joseph A. Davis; living.

Albert Davis; died at home.

Robert D. Diggs; living.

John Donavan; living.

Joseph S. Estis; dead.

Frank B. Estis; died at Eimira, N. Y.

Archy H. Eubank; living.

Dunbar Edwards; died at hospital.

Alfred Edwards; killed at Petersburg, June 15, 1864.

John H. Eager; living.

Richard Garrett; died at Elmira, N. Y.

Thomas C. Garrett, captured at Petersburg, June 15, 1864; died at home.

Augustus Garrett; living.

John Gaines; died at home.

Ben. Groom; died at hospital.

George Gibson; killed at Howlett House, May 18, 1864.

John C. Gibson; living.

Adolphus Gibson; killed at Petersburg, May 18, 1864.

B. E. Guthrie; died at home.

Charles H. Huckstep; died at hospital.

Allen Hilliard; died at home.

William H. Hurtt; died at Elmira, N. Y.

William Hogg; died at home.

Joseph N. Knapp; living.

Joseph Landrum; died at Soldiers' Home.

Myrick Newcomb; died at Elmira, N. Y.

William A. Murphy; died at hospital.

John Marshall; died at Elmira, N. Y.

Joseph G. Norman; living.

Richard Ogleby; died at Elmira, N. Y. [242]

George Ogleby; died at Elmira, N. Y.

William Ogleby; died at hospital.

Simon P. Parker; died at home.

Albert Parker; living.

James R. Spencer; died at home.

Gideon L. Spencer; living.

Tell B. Spencer; died at home.

John Seward; killed at Petersburg, June 15, 1864.

Edward Seward; died at hospital.

Robert B. Seward; died at Elmira, N. Y.

Lewis W. Smith; living.

Frank A. Thurston; died at Elmira, N. Y.

William Thurston; died at home.

Edward D. Tuttle; living.

Jerome Tuttle; died at home.

Baylor Wheeler; died at hospital.

Levi Wyatt; living.

Thomas W. Wyatt; died at home.

John Wyatt; living.

Andrew Wyatt; died on James river.

William M. Wyatt; died at Elmira, N. Y.

Robert S. Wyatt; died at home.

Lemuel R. Walton; living.

Reuben Walton; wounded at the Howlett House, May 20, 1864; died at home.

James Yarrington; killed at Petersburg, June 15, 1864.

R. H. T. Yarrington; living.

Andrew Yarrington; killed at Howlett House, May 20, 1864.

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Robert S. Wyatt (2)
Levi Wyatt (2)
John Wyatt (2)
Andrew Wyatt (2)
Baylor Wheeler (2)
Reuben Walton (2)
Lemuel R. Walton (2)
Jerome Tuttle (2)
Edward D. Tuttle (2)
James H. Turner (2)
Jacob W. Turner (2)
George W. Turner (2)
William Thurston (2)
Frank A. Thurston (2)
Tell B. Spencer (2)
Robert H. Spencer (2)
James R. Spencer (2)
Gideon L. Spencer (2)
Lewis W. Smith (2)
Robert B. Seward (2)
John Seward (2)
Edward Seward (2)
Robert B. Roy (2)
Simon P. Parker (2)
Albert Parker (2)
William Ogleby (2)
Richard Ogleby (2)
George Ogleby (2)
Joseph G. Norman (2)
Myrick Newcomb (2)
William A. Murphy (2)
John Marshall (2)
Frank A. Marshall (2)
Joseph Landrum (2)
Joseph N. Knapp (2)
William J. Jackson (2)
William H. Hurtt (2)
Charles H. Huckstep (2)
William Hogg (2)
Allen Hilliard (2)
George W. Hays (2)
George T. Hart (2)
B. E. Guthrie (2)
Benjamin Groom (2)
John C. Gibson (2)
George Gibson (2)
Adolphus Gibson (2)
Thomas C. Garrett (2)
Richard Garrett (2)
Augustus Garrett (2)
John Gaines (2)
William J. Eubank (2)
Archy H. Eubank (2)
Joseph S. Estis (2)
Frank B. Estis (2)
Dunbar Edwards (2)
Alfred Edwards (2)
John H. Eager (2)
John Donavan (2)
Robert D. Diggs (2)
M. B. Davis (2)
Junius A. Davis (2)
Joseph A. Davis (2)
Albert Davis (2)
Samuel S. Crittendon (2)
W. S. Courtney (2)
John Colly (2)
James Colly (2)
Charles Collier (2)
George W. Cawthorn (2)
Robert Carter (2)
Frank Carter (2)
William B. Carlton (2)
Levi Carlton (2)
Ira Carlton (2)
James M. Cardwell (2)
George W. Cardwell (2)
Robert B. Burton (2)
Richard E. Burton (2)
Richard C. Burton (2)
James L. Brown (2)
George Brown (2)
William G. Brooks (2)
William T. Bray (2)
James E. Bland (2)
A. P. Bird (2)
John Bew (2)
James M. Bew (2)
Hezekiah Bew (2)
William N. Acree (2)
Horace Acree (2)
William Worthington Goldsborough (1)
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