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Murder at Blackstock's.

--A murder was committed at Blackstock's, on the morning of the 14th inst., on the body of Mrs. Robinson, widow of Wm. Robinson. Her skull was fractured in two or three places, supposed to have been done with an axe, which was found near the house, stained with blood. The bed on which Mrs. R. was lying had been set on fire with the intention, doubtless, of concealing the murder. Had the murderer succeeded in firing the house, two small children would have perished. The older children being on a visit to their grandmother, no white person competent to give any information was about the premises. Suspicion rests on two servants, who have been arrested and lodged in jail, awaiting an investigation.--Mrs. Robinson was a niece of Rev. A. R. Banks, of Arkansas.--Columbia Guardian.

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