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[77] For ‘corniger’ see on G. 4. 371; for ‘Hesperidum regnator aquarum’ comp. G. 1. 482, “Fluviorum rex Eridanus.” The Eridanus deserves the epithet more for its physical, the Tiber for its historical greatness. Here again Virg. seems to have followed Ennius (A. 1. fr. 48), “Postquam consistit fluvius qui est omnibu' princeps,” quoted by Fronto Epist. de Orat. p. 129 Niebuhr in connexion with a saying of M. Aurelius, “Tiber amnis et dominus et fluentium circa regnator undarum.” Germ. comp. Dionys. Perieg. 351, Θύμβρις ἐϋρρείτης ποταμῶν βασιλεύτατος ἄλλων. ‘Fluvius’ may be nom. for voc.; but it is at least as probable that the line is to be taken closely with ‘celebrabere,’ the Tiber being celebrated as the king of rivers.

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