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The names of those as well Gentlemen as others, that remained one whole yeere in Virginia , under the Governement of Master Ralph Lane.

  • MASTER PHILIP AMADAS, Admirall of the countrey.
  • Master Hariot.
  • Master Acton.
  • Master Edward Stafford.
  • Thomas Luddington.
  • Master Marvyn.
  • Master Gardiner.
  • Captaine Vaughan.
  • Master Kendall.
  • Master Prideox.
  • Robert Holecroft.
  • Rise Courtney.
  • Richard Gilbert.
  • Steven Pomarie.
  • John Brocke.
  • Bennet Harrie.
  • James Stevenson.
  • Charles Stevenson.
  • Christopher Lowde.
  • Jeremie Man.
  • James Mason.
  • David Salter.
  • Richard Ireland.
  • Thomas Bookener.
  • William Philips.
  • Master Hugh Rogers.
  • Master Thomas Harvie.
  • Master Snelling.
  • Master Anthony Russe.
  • Master Allyne.
  • Master Michael Polison.
  • John Cage.
  • Thomas Parre.
  • William Randes.
  • Gefferey Churchman.
  • William Farthow.
  • John Taylor.
  • Philip Robyns.
  • Thomas Philips.
  • Valentine Beale.
  • Thomas Foxe.
  • Darby Glande.
  • Edward Nugen.
  • Edward Kelley.
  • John Gostigo.
  • Erasmus Clefs.
  • Edward Ketcheman.
  • John Linsey.
  • Thomas Rottenbury.
  • Roger Deane.
  • John Harris.
  • Francis Norris.
  • Matthew Lyne.
  • Edward Kettell.
  • Thomas Wisse.
  • Robert Biscombe.
  • William Backhouse.
  • William White.
  • Henry Potkin.
  • Dennis Barnes.
  • Joseph Borges.
  • Dougham Gannes.
  • William Tenche.
  • Randall Latham.
  • Thomas Hulme.
  • Walter Mill.
  • Randall Mayne.
  • James Skinner.
  • George Eseven.
  • John Chandeler.
  • Philip Blunt.
  • Richard Poore.
  • Robert Yong.
  • Marmaduke Constable.
  • Thomas Hesket.
  • William Wasse.
  • John Fever.
  • Daniel.
  • Thomas Taylor.
  • Richard Humfrey.
  • John Wright.
  • Gabriel North.
  • Bennet Chappell.
  • Richard Sare.
  • James Lacie.
  • Smolkin.
  • Thomas Smart.
  • Robert.
  • John Evans.
  • Roger Large.
  • Humfrey Garden.
  • Francis Whitton.
  • Rowland Griffyn.
  • William Millard.
  • John Twit.
  • Edward Seclemore.
  • John Anwike.
  • Christopher Marshall.
  • David Williams.
  • Nicholas Swabber.
  • Edward Chipping.
  • Silvester Beching.
  • Vincent Cheyne.
  • Hance Walters.
  • Edward Barecombe.
  • Thomas Skeuelabs.
  • William Walters.

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