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166. songs of the rebels.

Southern war-cry.

air--“Scots, wha hae.”

Countrymen of Washington!
Countrymen of Jefferson!
By Old Hick'ry oft led on
To death or victory!

Sons of men who fought and bled,
Whose blood for you was freely shed,
Where Marion charged and Sumter led,
For freemen's rights!

From the Cowpens glorious way,
Southron valor led the fray
To Yorktown's eventful day,
First we were free!

At New Orleans we met the foe;
Oppressors fell at every blow;
There we laid the usurper low,
For maids and wives!

Who on Palo Alto's day,
'Mid fire and hail at Monterey,
At Buena Vista led the way?
“Rough and Ready!”

Southrons all, at Freedom's call,
For our homes united all,
Freemen live, or freemen fall!
Death or liberty!

--N. O. Picayune.

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