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Death Resulting from improper treatment or frozen feet.

--A young lady, a resident of Jersey City, paid a visit to the Central Park skating pond, on the last occasion but one that the amusement was allowed. She had on, at that time, light gaiter boots, and after skating for about an hour, she found her feet becoming so painfully cold that she had to leave off and return home. A young man who was in her company during the visit, on arriving at her dwelling, finding her feet to have been frozen, foolishly told her to put them in hot water; which she did, with a sad result, for shortly after mortification set in, causing first the loss of her feet, and next that of her life, as death resulted within eight days.--Skaters, and others, finding their feet or hands frozen, should rub them with snow, if procurable, or water as icy cold as possible. Ladies would also find, that if they bathed their feet in ice-cold water, before they left the house for the skating pond, they would scarcely get them chilled at all.

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