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Doc. 113.-“Confederate” resolutions. July 22, 1861.

After the despatch from Jeff. Davis relating to the battle of Bull Run was read, the following resolutions were offered by Mr. Memminger, of South Carolina, and unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That we recognize the hand of the Most High God, the King of kings and Lord of lords, in the glorious victory with which he hath crowned our army at Manassas; and that the people of the Confederate States are invited, by appropriate services on the ensuing Sabbath, to offer up their united thanksgiving and praise for this mighty deliverance.

Resolved, That, deeply deploring the necessity which has washed the soil of our country with the blood of so many of her noblest sons, we offer to their respective families and friends our warmest and most cordial sympathy, assuring them that the sacrifice made will be consecrated in the hearts of our people, and will there enshrine the names of the gallant dead as the champions of free and constitutional liberty.

Resolved, That we approve the prompt and patriotic efforts of the mayor of the city of Richmond to make provision for the wounded; and that a committee of one member from each State be appointed to cooperate in the plan.

Resolved, That Congress do now adjourn.

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