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88. The Athenians and Rhegians that were now in Sicily made war the same winter on the islands called the islands of Aeolus with thirty galleys. For in summer it was impossible to war upon them for the shallowness of the water. [2] These islands are inhabited by the Liparaeans who are a colony of the Cnidians and dwell in one of the same islands, no great one, called Lipara; and thence they go forth and husband the rest which are Didyme, Strongyle, and Hiera. [3] The inhabitants of those places have an opinion that in Hiera Vulcan exerciseth the craft of a smith. For it is seen to send forth abundance of fire in the daytime and of smoke in the night. These islands are adjacent to the territory of the Siculi and Messanians but were confederates of the Syracusians. [4] When the Athenians had wasted their fields and saw they would not come in, they put off again and went to Rhegium. And so ended this winter and the fifth year of this war written by Thucydides.

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hide References (29 total)
  • Commentary references to this page (14):
    • W. W. How, J. Wells, A Commentary on Herodotus, 6.22
    • Charles F. Smith, Commentary on Thucydides: Book 3, 3.109
    • Charles F. Smith, Commentary on Thucydides: Book 3, 3.115
    • Charles F. Smith, Commentary on Thucydides: Book 3, 3.25
    • Charles F. Smith, Commentary on Thucydides: Book 3, 3.53
    • Charles F. Smith, Commentary on Thucydides: Book 3, 3.86
    • Charles F. Smith, Commentary on Thucydides: Book 3, 3.97
    • C.E. Graves, Commentary on Thucydides: Book 4, CHAPTER XXIV
    • C.E. Graves, Commentary on Thucydides: Book 5, 5.8
    • Harold North Fowler, Commentary on Thucydides Book 5, 5.79
    • Harold North Fowler, Commentary on Thucydides Book 5, 5.8
    • Charles D. Morris, Commentary on Thucydides Book 1, Introduction. Chaps. 1-23.
    • Charles D. Morris, Commentary on Thucydides Book 1, 1.102
    • Charles D. Morris, Commentary on Thucydides Book 1, Introduction
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