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Certaine rare and special notes most properly belonging to the voyage of M. Thomas Candish next before described; concerning the heights, soundings, lyings of lands, distances of places, the variation of the Compasse, the just length of time spent in sayling betweene divers places, and their abode in them, as also the places of their harbour and anckering, and the depths of the same, with the observation of the windes on severall coastes: Written by M. Thomas Fuller of Ipswich, who was Master in the desire of M. Thomas Candish in his foresaid prosperous voyage about the world.

A note of the heights of certaine places on the coast of Barbarie.

INPRIMIS Cape Cantin standeth in the latitude of 32. degr. 4. min.
Item the yland of Mogador standeth in 31. degr. 30. min.
Item Cape d'oro standeth in 30. degr. 20. min.
Item the ylands of the Canaries about28. degr.
Item Cape Bojador standeth in27. degr. 30 min.
Item Cape Verde standeth in14. degr. 30 min.
Item the Cape of Sierra Liona in8. degr.
Item an yland called Ilha Verde in7. degr. 30 min.

A note of the heights of certaine places from the coast of Brasill to the South sea.

INPRIMIS Cape Frio standeth in the latitude of 23 degr. 30. min.
Item the yland of S. Sebastian in 24. degr.
Item Port desire standeth in 47. degr. 50. min.
Item Seales bay standeth in 48. degr. 20. min.
Item Port S. Julian standeth in 50. degr.
Item The white river standeth in 50. degr. 30. min.
Item Cape Joy standeth in 52. degr. 40. min.
Item Port famine within the Straights of Magellan standeth in 53. degr. 50. min.
Item Cape froward within the Straights of Magellan standeth in 54. degr. 15. min.
Item. Cape desire in the entring into the South sea standeth in 53. degr. 10 min.

A note of the heights of certaine places on the coast of Chili and Peru in the South sea.

INPRIMIS the yland of Mocha standeth in the latitude of 38. degr. 30. min.
Item the yland of S. Mary in 37. degr. 15. min.
Item the bay of Valpares in 33. degr. 40. min.
Item the bay of Quintero in 33. degr. 20. min.
Item Coquimbo in 29. degr. 30. min.
Item Morro moreno in 23. degr. 20. min.
Item Arica standeth in 18. degr. 30. min.
Item the bay of Pisca standeth in 13. degr. 30. min.
Item the bay of Lima standeth in 11. degr. 50. min.
Item Santos standeth in 9 degr. 20. min.
Item the bay of Cherrepe in 6. degr. 30. min.
Item the bay of Paita, in 5. degr. 4. min.
Item the yland of Puna, in 2. degr. 50. min.
Item Cape Sant Francisco to the North of the Equinoctiall, in 1. degr.

A note of the height of certaine places to the Northwards of the Equinoctiall line, on the coast of New Spaine.

INPRIMIS Panama standeth in the latitude of 9. degr.
Item the yland called Isla de Canoas, in 9. degr. 10. min.
Item Cape Blanco, in 10. degr. 10. min.
Item Rio Lexo, in 12. degr. 40. min.
Item Aguatulco, in 15. degr. 50. min.
Item Acapulco, in 17. degr. 20. min.
Item Sant Iago, in 18. degr. 50. min.
Item Cape de los Corrientes, in 20. degr. 30. min.
Item the bay of Xalisco, in 21. degr. 30. min.
Item the ylands of the Maries, in 21. degr. 20. min.
Item the yland of Saint Andrew, in 22. degr.
Item the ylands of Ciametlan, in 23. degr. 40. min.
Item, that the Cape of Santa Clara on the point of California is in 23. degrees.

A note of the heights of certaine places beginning from the ylands of the Ladrones and passing by the Philippinas, the Malucos, Java minor, Java major, the Cape of Bona Speranza, and the yle of Santa Helena.

INPRIM. one of the ylands of the Ladrones called Guana standeth in 13 deg. 50. min.
Item Cape De Spirito Santo on the yle of Luzon standeth in 13. degr.
Item the yland of Capul in 12. degr. 30. min.
Item that the yland of Seboyon standeth in 12. degr.
Item that the Easterly end of the yland of Pannay is in 11. degr.
Item that the opening betweene the South head of Pannay and the South head of Isla de los Negros is in 10. degr. 10. min.
Item that the South-head of Isla de los Negros is in 9. degr. 10. min.
Item that the North-head of the yland Mindanao is in 7. degr. 50. min.
Item the South-head of Mindanao called Cape Cannel is in 6. degr. 40. min.
Item the Cape of Batochina is in 10. min.
Item that 12. small ylands stand in 3 degr.
Item the latitude of two other ylands is in 4. degr. 10. min.
Item the Westerly head of Java minor is toward the South in 8. degr. 30. min.
Item the Easterly head of Java major is toward the South in 8. degr. 20. min.
Item Malaca standeth to the North-ward in 2. degr.
Item Cape Falso on the promontory of Africa , standeth in 34. degr. 20. min.
Item the Cape of Bona Speranza standeth in 34. degr. 40. min.
Item the yland of Santa Helena standeth in 15. degr. 40. min.
Item the Cape of S. Augustine standeth Southward in 8. degr. 40. min.

Soundings on the coast of Barbarie from Rio del Oro unto Cape Blanco.

INPRIMIS about 3. leagues off Rio del Oro you shall have very faire shoulding, fine white sand 18. fathoms, and so alongst unto Cape Blanco two or three leagues off the shore you shall have 18. and 20. fathoms. And when you come within one league of the Cape you shall have twelve or thirteene fathoms, browne sand, very faire shoulding. And if you will hall in with Cape Blanco, beware you come not within seven or eight fathoms of the Cape: for there lyeth a sand off the Cape.

Also about 7. or eight leagues off the Cape lyeth a long should next hand Southwest and by South off the Cape.

Soundings on the coast of Guiny.

ITEM, Going unto Sierra Leona, having the cape Eastnortheast off you, 7. leagues off, you shall have 22 fadome browne sand. And halling in you shall finde very faire shoalding. You may be bold to borrow on the Southermost shore: but take heed of a rocke that lieth in the faire way a good birth off the shore, but there is no feare of it: for it lieth above the water, and is distant two miles off the South shore.

Item, You may be bolde to borrow hard by the rocke; for on the North side going in there lieth one long sand which runneth Southeast and Northwest, and lieth distant from the South shore 2 leagues. And you shall anker in 14 or 15 fadoms hard by the shore.

Also going unto the island called Illha Verde, the which iland lieth 10 leagues to the Southward of Sierra Leona, the course is Southsouthwest, and Northnortheast: and you shall have betweene them 9 or 10 fadome. And if you will anker at the sayd iland, you shall have 5 or 6 fadome hard by the shore.

Also you must have especiall care of a great current that setteth alongst the coast of Guiny to the Eastward.

Item, And if you be bound unto the Southwards, you must go Westsouthwest off, for feare of the shoald that is called Madera Bomba, the which shoald is to the Southwards of the iland.

Soundings on the coast of Brasil .

ITEM, Unto the Northwards of Cape Frio, the cape bearing southwest off you, about 17 or 18 leagues off, you shall have 45 fadoms streamy ground: and running Southwest, you shall find 32 fadoms blacke sand: and then running Westsouthwest into a deepe bay, which lieth tenne leagues to the Northwards of the cape, you shall have 22 fadoms oaze: that depth you shall have all alongst, except you be farre into the bay; and then you shall have 16 fadoms all oazie.

Item, To the Northwards of Cape Frio, about 6 or 7 leagues, you shall have many small islands.

Item, To the Northwards of the cape 6. leagues, you shall have two small islands one mile distant the one from the other, and they are distant from the maine five leagues. And betweene those ilands and the cape you shall have very many islands hard aboord the maine.

Item, The cape bearing West of you two leagues off, you shall have 55 fadoms oaze. Also you shall know when you are shot about the cape unto the Southwards, by deeping of the water.

Also if you will go for S. Sebastian from the cape, you must go West and South, and Westsouthwest among. And the distance from the cape unto S. Sebastian is 50 leagues. And being shot into the bay any thing nere the shore, you shall have 24 fadoms all oazie.

And halling in for S. Sebastian, you shall know it by two little islands which be round: and those ilands lie from the iland of S. Sebastian next hand East and by South; and are distant the one from the other about foure leagues.

Also off the Southermost end of S. Sebastian, there lieth one iland about 6 leagues off; which iland is called the Alcatrarza, and there lie foure little ilands about it. Also you may know it by the trending of the land unto the Southwards.

Item, If you will go in at the Northermost end of S. Sebastian, you must take heed of a sand that lieth on the Northeast part of the iland: but you may be bolde to borrow on the iland: for the sand lieth off the maine side. Also you may anker on the Northermost part of the iland in tenne fadoms; and the maine is distant from you where you shall ride two leagues off.

Item, If you will come in at the Southermost end of the iland of S. Sebastian, your course from the Alcatrarza is Southwest & Northeast, and their distance is 6 leagues the one from the other.

Item, Unto the Southwards of the river of Plate, being in the latitude of 45 degrees and 60 leagues off the maine, you shall have shoalding in 60 fadoms or 65 fadoms oazie sand: and then hailing in for the shore Westsouthwest 16 leagues, you shall have 50 fadoms oaze, and you shall have faire shoalding all along.

Item, In the latitude of 47 1/3 you shall see about one mile in length, not passing one league off the shore, a ledge of broken ground, but no danger. Also you shall have very faire shoalding all along the coast; and the land lying South and North untill you come unto port Desire, which standeth in 48 degrees.

Item, If you will go into port Desire, on the North side there lieth one ledge of rocks about a league distant from the shore. Also on the North side at the mouth of the harborow, there lie a couple of rocks, which are at halfe flood under water: but be bolde to borrow on the Southermost shore; for there is no danger; and you shall have no lesse then 6 fadoms water at a low water, the harborow lying East and West. Also you may know the harborow by one litle iland that lieth Southeast off the mouth of the harborow, and it is distant 4 leagues. Furthermore, you may know the harborow by an high rocke that standeth on the South side; and this rocke is very much like a watch tower. Also if you be any thing in, you may anker in 5 fadoms at a low water.

Item, It floweth there South and North, and higheth at spring tides 3 fadoms and an halfe water; and in the offing the flood setteth to the Northward.

Item, In the latitude of 48 degrees 50 minuts you shall have 44 fadoms blacke sand about 5 leagues off: and about 3 leagues off you shall have 25 fadoms, and great shingle stones.

Item, In the latitude of 49 degrees 1/2 you shall have sounding in 38 fadoms oazie sand.

Item, In the latitude of 51 degrees 10 minuts you shall have soundings 4 leagues from the shore in 44 fadoms small blacke stones.

Soundings within the entrance of the Streights.

ITEM, About two leagues from the Northermost shore you shall have 38 fadoms blacke sand, and all along you shall have deepe water, not lesse then 18 or 20 fadoms in the faire way.

Soundings on the coast of Chili in the South sea.

ITEM, In the latitude of 36 degrees you shall have soundings in 12 fadoms, 2 miles from the land, browne sand.

Item, In the latitude of 35 degrees, you shall have soundings one league off from the land in 10 fadoms white sand.

Soundings on the coast of New Spaine in the South sea.

ITEM, In the latitude of 14 degrees to the North of the line, you shall have soundings 4 leagues from the land in 30 fadoms, browne sand.

Item, From the latitude of 14 degrees unto the latitude of 15 degrees, you shall have faire shoalding 3 leagues from the land.

Soundings on the coast of Africa unto the Eastward of the cape of Buena Esperanza 40 leagues.

ITEM, To the Eastwards of the cape of Buena Esperanza 40 leagues, in the latitude of 34 degrees and 10 minuts, 8 leagues from the land, you shall have 65 fadome, and browne sand.

A note of the lying of the land unto the Southward of Port Desire.

IN primis, Seales bay standeth unto the Southwards of Port Desire 12 leagues Southsouthwest. Furthermore, unto the Southwards of Seales bay 3 leagues, you shall have very low land. Also more unto the Southwards of Seales bay 7 leagues, in the heighth of 48 degrees 40 minuts, you shall see a rocke 5 leagues off the shore, the land lying Southwest and by South.

Item, In the latitude of 49 degrees 1/2, you shall see a small flat Iland, about a league and an halfe off the shore, the land lying Southwest and by South. Furthermore, from the latitude of 49 degrees 1/2 unto the latitude of 50 degrees, the land lieth South and by West, and is high land.

Item, From the latitude of 50 degrees unto the latitude of 50 degrees 40 minuts, the land lieth Southwest and by South. Furthermore, from the latitude of 50 degrees 40 minuts unto the latitude of 52 degrees 17 minuts, the land lieth South and by West, North and by East.

Item, In the sayd latitude of 52 degrees 17 minuts, there goeth in an harborow, which is to be knowen by a long beache that lieth on the South side of the harborow. Moreover, the sayd harborow standeth 12 leagues unto the Northwards of Cape Joy. Furthermore, from the latitude of 52 degrees 17 minuts unto the latitude of 52 degrees 40 minuts (in which heigth standeth Cape Joy) the land lieth Southsoutheast, and Northnorthwest.

Item, Comming from the Northwards, you shall see before you come to Cape Joy, a very long beach, about the length of 8 leagues, being 5 leagues short of the cape unto the Northwards. Also unto the Southwards of the cape, you shall see another beach about a league long, adjoyning hard under the cape; about which beach is the entrance of the Streights of Magellan, the which Straights are in breadth sixe leagues over, from the cape unto the South shore, lying South and by East.

Item, From Cape Joy, being the entrance of the streight of Magellan, unto the first narrow passage of the sayd streight; the course is West and by North, and East and by South, and are distant 18 leagues; the land being in breadth from the one side to the other one league.

Item, From the first narrow unto the second narrow passage, the course is West & by South, and East and by North; and the distance is 12 leagues: and in breadth the one side is from the other about two leagues over.

Item, from the second narrow unto the islands that be called Elizabeth, Bartholomew, and Penguin ilands, the distance is 5 leagues, and the course is Southwest and Northeast: the islands being distant a league and an halfe the one from the other.

Item, From the sayd ilands unto Port Famine is 16 leagues: the course is Southsouthwest, and Northnortheast. Moreover, from Port Famine unto Cape Froward, the course is South and by West, and North and by East: and they are distant 8 leagues asunder.

Item, From Cape Froward unto S. Jeromes river, is 16 leagues: the course is Northwest and Southeast. Also from S. Jeromes river unto the uttermost land on the South side, the which is called Cabo Deseado, the course is Northwest & somewhat to the Northward, and are distant 30 leagues. So the whole length of the streight of Magellan is 105 leagues.

A note of the lying of the lands in the South sea.

IN primis, There stand in the latitude of 52 degrees and 50 minuts, three or foure ilands, about 8 leagues from Cabo Deseado : the course is Northnorthwest, and Southsoutheast. And those ilands stand in the mouth of the streight of Magellan, at the going into the South sea.

Item, From the latitude of 52 degrees 50 minuts, unto the latitude of 51 degrees, the land lieth Northnortheast, and Southsouthwest.

Item, From the latitude of 50 degrees unto the latitude of 38 degrees and 30 minuts, the land lieth Northeast and by North, Southwest and by South.

Item, From the latitude of 38 degrees 30 minuts unto the latitude of 37 degrees 14 minuts, the land lieth North and South.

Item, From the iland.of S. Marie, being in the latitude of 37 degrees 14 min. unto the heighth of 36 degrees 14 minuts, in which height standeth The Bay of Conception, the course is Northeast and Southwest, and the distance 12 leagues.

Item, From the latitude of 36 degrees 40 minuts unto the latitude of 35 degrees 20 minuts, the land lieth Northeast and by North, Southwest and by South.

Item, From the latitude of 35 degrees 20 minuts unto the latitude of 33 degrees 30 minuts, the land lieth Northnortheast, and Southsouthwest.

Item, In the latitude of 34 degrees you shall see about five miles off from the shore a banke of sand, on the which you shall have but shoald water.

Item, From the latitude of 33 degrees 20 minuts unto the latitude of 29 degrees 20 minuts, the land lieth Northnortheast, and Southsouthwest.

Item, From the latitude of 29 degrees 20 minuts unto the latitude of 27 degrees 40 minuts, the land lieth Northnortheast, and Southsouthwest.

Item, In the latitude of 29 degrees 20 minuts, there lie two ilands distant 4 leagues asunder, and about one league from the maine.

Item, From the latitude of 27 degrees 40 minuts unto the latitude of 23 degrees 30 minuts, the land lieth North and by East, South and by West.

Item, From the latitude of 25 degrees unto the latitude of 23 degrees and 30 minuts, the land is very high.

Item, From the latitude of 23 degrees unto the latitude of 22 degrees, the land lieth Northnortheast, and Southsouthwest.

Item, From the latitude of 22 degrees unto the latitude of 18 degrees and 30 minuts, the land lieth North and by East, South and by West.

Item, From the latitude of 18 degrees 30 minuts, unto the latitude of 18 degrees, the land lieth Northwest and by West, Southeast and by East.

Item, From the latitude of 18 degrees unto the latitude of 13 degrees 30 minuts, the land lieth Northwest and Southeast: in which heigth there lie two or three ilands, which ilands lie off a place where are two townes called Paraca, and Pisca.

Item, From the latitude of 13 degrees 30 minuts, unto the latitude of 11 degrees 50 minuts, the land lieth Northnorthwest, and Southsoutheast.

Item, From the latitude of 11 degrees 50 minuts, unto the latitude of 6 degrees, the land lieth North and by West, South and by East. Also you shall see two ilands, which be called The Ilands of Lobos, that stand in the latitude of 6 degrees.

Item, From the latitude of 6 degrees, unto the latitude of 5 degrees, the land lieth Northwest and by West, Southeast and by East.

Item, From the latitude of 5 degrees unto the latitude of 4 degrees, the land lieth Northwest and Southeast: in which height of 4 degrees standeth Cape Blanco.

Item, From the latitude of 4 degrees unto the latitude of 2 degrees 50 minuts (in which latitude of 2 degrees 50 minuts standeth the iland of Puna) the course is Northeast and Southwest.

A note of the distance betweene certeine places on the coasts of Chili and Peru .

IN primis, From the iland of Mocha unto the iland of S. Mary, the course is North and South, and the distance is 25 leagues.

Item, From the iland of S. Mary unto the bay of Conception, the course is Northeast and Southwest, and the distance is 12 leagues.

Item, From the bay of Conception unto the port of Valpariso, the course is Northnortheast and Southsouthwest, and the distance is 80 leagues.

Item, From the port of Valpariso unto the bay of Quintero, the course is Northeast and by North, and Southwest and South, and the distance is 7 leagues. In which bay of Quintero there lieth one small iland.

Item, From the bay of Quintero unto the bay of Coquimbo , the course is Northnortheast, and Southsouthwest, and the distance is 72 leagues: in which height stand two ilands.

Item, From the bay of Coquimbo unto the bay of Copiapo , the course is Northnortheast and Southsouthwest, and the distance is 55 leagues: in which height standeth one iland.

Item, From the bay of Copiapo unto the bay of Morro moreno, the course is Northnortheast and Southsouthwest, and the distance is 70 leagues.

Item, From the bay of Morro moreno, unto the bay of Arica , the course is North & by East, South & by West, and the distance is 90 leagues: in which bay of Arica standeth one small iland.

Item, From the bay of Arica unto the bay of Parraca, the course is Northwest and Southeast, and the distance is 120 leagues: in which bay of Parraca stand three or foure ilands.

Item, From the bay of Parraca unto the bay of Lima , the course is Northwest and by North, Southeast and by South, and the distance is 35 leagues: in the bay of Lima is one iland.

Item, From the bay of Lima unto the bay of Cherrepe, the course is North & by West, South and by East, and the distance is 90 leagues.

Item, From the bay of Cherrepe unto the bay of Paita it is 45 leagues, the course is 20 leags Westnorthwest unto two ilands that be called The ilands of Lobos, and from thence unto the bay of Paita it is 25 leagues, the course is North and by East.

Item, From Paita unto Cape Blanco, the course is North and by West, South and by East, and the distance is 25 leagues.

Item, From Cape Blanco unto the iland of Puna, the course is Eastnortheast and Westsouthwest, and the distance is 25 leagues: and you shall see one iland that is called Santa Clara, which standeth 10 leagues to the Southward of Puna.

A note of certeine places unto the Northwards of the Line.

IN primis, From Cape Blanco unto Cape S. Laurence, the course is North & by East, South and by West, and the distance 60 leagues.

Item, From Cape S. Lorenzo unto Cape S. Francisco, the course is North & by East, South and by West, and the distance is 40 leagues.

Item, From Cape S. Francisco unto the cape that is called Cape Blanco, which cape is on the coast of New Spaine, the course is Northnortheast and Southsouthwest, and the distance is 160 leagues: and you shall have a great current that setteth out of the bay of Panama; and the sayd current setteth South out.

Item, From Cape Blanco unto the Port de Veles, the course is Northeast and Southwest, and the distance 8 leagues.

Item, From the Port de Veles unto the port of S. John, the course is Northwest and Southeast, and the distance is 17 leagues.

Item, From the port of S. John unto Rio Lexo, the course is Northwest, and Southeast, and the distance is 40 leagues.

Item, From Rio Lexo unto the gulfe of Fonsecco, the course is Westnorthwest, and Eastsoutheast, and they are distant 14 leagues.

Item, In the mouth of Rio Lexo there lieth one iland, and you must goe in on the Northwest part of that iland; on the which iland you may be bolde for to borrow on: and you must goe from that iland Southeast up.

Item, That in the gulfe of Fonsecco you shall have lying ten ilands, whereof three be peopled with Indians, whereon you may have water, wood, and salt.

Item, On the West side of the gulfe of Fonsecco there is one towne of Indians, which is called Mapal, in which towne there is great store of beeves.

Item, From the river Lexo unto the bay of Sonsonate , the course is East and West, and the distance is 60 leagues.

Item, From the bay of Sonsonate unto the port of Aguatulco, the course is Northwest and by West, Southeast and by East, and the distance 160 leagues.

Item, From the bay of Coppeleto unto the port of Aguatulco it is 2 leagues, the course is West and by North, East and by South.

Item, From the port of Aguatulco unto the port of Angeles, the course is East and West, and they are distant 12 leagues.

Item, From the port of Aguatulco unto the port of Acapulco , the course is West & by North, East and by South, and the distance is 78 leagues.

Item, From the port of Acapulco unto the port of S. Iago, the course is West and by North, East and by South, and the distance is 80 leagues.

Item, From the port of S. Iago unto the port of Natividad, the course is East and West, and the distance is 7 leagues.

Item, From the port of Natividad unto the port of the islands of Chiametla, the course is East and West, and the distance is 10 leagues.

Item, From the ilands of Chiametla unto Cape de los Corrientes, the course is Northwest and by West, Southeast and by East, and the distance is 30 leagues.

Item, From the Cape de los Corrientes unto the bay of Xalisco, the course is Northnortheast, and Southsouthwest, and the distance is 18 leagues.

Item, From the bay of Xalisco unto the port of Chiametlan, the course is Northnortheast and Southsouthwest, and the distance is 30 leagues.

Item, From the Cape de los Corrientes unto the ilands called Las tres Marias, the course is Northwest and Southeast, and the distance is 20. leagues.

Item, From the Cape de los Corrientes unto the cape of Santa Clara on the point of California , the course is Westnorthwest, and Eastsoutheast, and the distance is 108 leagues.

A note from the coast of America unto the Westwards.

ITEM, From the cape of Santa Clara unto the ilands of The Ladrones , the course is West and by South, East and by North, and the distance betweene them is 1850 leagues.

Item, That the Southermost iland of the Ladrones standeth in the latitude of 12 degrees and 10 minuts, and from thence unto the Northermost iland, the course is Northnortheast & Southsouthwest, and the distance betweene them is 200 leagues: and the said Northermost iland standeth in 21 degrees 10 minuts.

Item, From one of the ilands of the Ladrones , which standeth in the latitude of 13 degrees and 50 minuts, which iland is called Guaihaime, unto the Cape de Spirito santo, which cape is upon one of the ilands of the Philippinas, the course is West and to the Southwards, and the distance is 320 leagues.

Item, From the cape of Spirito santo unto the mouth of the entrance of the Streights of the Philippinas, the course is West and by North, East and by South, and the distance is 15 leagues.

Item, From the mouth of the Streights unto the iland Capul, the course is Southwest and by West 6 leagues.

Item, From the iland of Capul unto the North head of the iland called Masbat, the course is Northwest and Southeast, and the distance betweene them is 15 leagues.

Item, From the North head of the iland called Masbat unto the iland called Sebojon, the course is Westsouthwest and Eastnortheast, and the distance betweene them is 15 leagues.

A note of our course kept from the iland Sebojon unto the Southwards.

ITEM, From the iland of Sebojon unto the East end of the iland called Pannay, the course is Southeast and by South, Northwest and by West, and the distance is 22 leagues.

Item, That off the Easter end of the iland of Pannay there lie certeine small ilands, unto the number of 12 or more, and you shall have shoald water among them.

Item, From the Easter end of Pannay unto a bay that is called The bay of Lago grande, on the same iland, the course is Westsouthwest, and Eastnortheast, and the distance is 18 leagues.

Item, From the bay of Lago grande unto the iland that is called Ysla de los Negros, is the distance of 6 leagues Southeast and Northwest.

Item, From the bay of Lago grande unto three small ilands that stand in the latitude of 10 degrees, the course is South and by West 12 leagues. Furthermore, from those three ilands unto the Westermost end of Ysla de los Negros, the course is Southwest and Northeast 10 leagues, where we were cleere of the ilands of the Philippinas.

Item, From the South end of Ysla de los Negros unto the North head of the iland called Mindanao, the course is South and North, and the distance is 30 leagues.

Item, From the North end of Mindanao unto the South head of the sayd iland, which is called Cape Cannal, the course is South and by West, North and by East, and the distance is 26 leagues.

Item, From the cape of Cannal betweene the South and the Westsouthwest about 10 or 12 leagues off you shall have great store of small ilands, about the number of 24 or more.

Item, From the cape of Cannal unto the cape of Batochina, the course is Southsouthwest, and Northnortheast, and the distance is 100 leagues, and betweene them setteth a great current unto the Eastward.

Item, From the cape of Batochina unto the West head of Java minor, the course is Southwest and by South, Northeast and by North, and the distance betweene them is 220 leagues.

Item, From the West end of Java minor unto the East end of Java major, the course is West and by North, and East & by South, and the distance betweene them is 18 leagues: in the which course there lieth one iland betweene them, which iland is in length 14 leagues.

Item, From the East end of Java major unto the cape of Buena Esperanza, the course is West and by South, and Westsouthwest, and the distance betweene them is 1800 leagues.

Item, That Cape Falso standeth 30 leagues to the Eastward of Cape de Buena Esperanza, & off the sayd Cape Falso you shal have shoalding 20 leagues off in 80 or 90 fadoms, & the course is from Cape Falso unto the cape of Buena Esperanza Westnorthwest and Eastsoutheast.

A note of the distance and course from the cape of Buena Esperanza unto the Northwards.

ITEM, From the cape of Buena Esperanza unto the iland of Santa Helena, the course is Northwest, and Northwest and by West, and the distance betweene them is 600 leagues.

Item, From the iland of Santa Helena unto the iland of Flores , the course betweene them is Northnorthwest, and Northwest and by North, and the distance betweene them is 1200 leagues.

Item, From the iland of Flores unto the lands end of England , the course is betweene the Eastnortheast, and the Northeast and by East, and the distance betweene them is foure hundred and fifty leagues.

A note of the variation of our Compasse.

IN primis, The variation of our compasse on the coast of New Spaine in the South sea in the latitude of 12 degrees, was one point to the Eastwards.

Item, the variation of our compasse betweene the cape of California and the ilands of the Philippinas, was one point and an halfe unto the Eastward, that was, that the North did stand North and by East, and halfe a point unto the East.

Item, The variation of our compasse betweene the ilands of Maluco and the cape of Buena Esperanza, was two points and an halfe at the most to the Westward, that was, that the Northnortheast was our North.

A note of our time spent in sailing betweene certeine places out of England , 1586.

IN primis, We were sailing betweene England and the coast of Guinea from the 21 day of July unto the 26 day of August unto the haven called Sierra leona, where we watered and stayed untill the 6 day of September.

Item, Wee departed from the coast of Guinea for the coast of Brasil the 10 day of September, and wee had sight of the coast of Brasil the 26 day of October, being sixe leagues to the Northwards of Cape Frio: and from thence wee were sailing unto the iland of S. Sebastian untill the 31 and last day of October, where wee watered and set up our pinnesse: and we ankered on the Northwest part of the iland in tenne fadoms, and stayed there untill the 23 day of November.

Item, The 23 day of November we departed from the iland of Sant Sebastian, keeping our course South and by West unto the port that is called Port Desire, where we arrived the 17 day of December; in which port we graved our shippe: and we stayed there untill the 28 day of December, where we ankered in 5 fadoms.

Item, The eight and twentieth day of December wee departed from the Port of Desire toward the Streight of Magellan, where wee arrived the third day of January: and wee remained in the Streights untill the foure and twentieth day of February; where we watered in many places on the South side, having the winde all that while betweene the Westsouthwest and the Northwest.

Item, We departed out of the Streights the 24 day of February toward the iland of Mocha , which island we had sight of the 14 day of March.

Item, The 14 day of March at night we ankered in the bay of Marroccos; where we rode in 9 fadoms water.

Item, The 15 day of March we ankered in the iland of Saint Marie, on the North part of the island in eight fadoms water, blacke sand, where we stayed foure dayes.

Item, The 19 day of March we departed from the island of Saint Marie, and the same day we ankered in the bay of Conception, where we stayed untill the next day: and there we rode in ten fadoms water, shingle stones.

Item, The 20 day of March we departed from the bay of Conception, and the thirtieth day of March we arrived in the bay of Quintero, where we watered: and there the first day of April we had twelve of our men slaine, being on land for water: and we stayed there sixe dayes: and we ankered in 7 fadoms water, white sand.

Item, We departed from the bay of Quintero the 5 day of April, and we arrived at the bay of Arica the 24 day of April, and we ankered in 7 fadoms water.

Item, The 27 day of April we departed from the bay of Arica , and the third day of May we arrived in the bay of Pisca, and we ankered in 4 fadoms water in oaze.

Item, The 5 day of May we departed from the bay of Pisca, and the 12 day we ankered in the bay of Cherrepe, where we ankered in 7 fadoms water, in white sand.

Item, The 18 day of May we departed from the bay of Cherrepe, and the 20 day of May we arrived in the bay of Payta, where we ankered in 6 fadoms water.

Item, The 20 day of May we departed from the bay of Paita, and the 26 day of May we ankered at the iland of Puna, and we ankered in 5 fadoms.

Item, From the iland of Puna we departed the fourth day of June unto Rio dolce in the main, where we watered, and we ankered in 10 fadoms water, browne sand.

Item, The 12 day of June we departed from the place where we watered, being bound for the coast of New Spaine, and the 29 day of July wee arrived in the port of Aguatulco, where wee watered, and ankered in 6 fadoms water.

Item, The 3 day of August we departed from the port of Aguatulco, and the 26 day of August we arrived at the port of S. Iago, where wee watered, and stayed there untill the second day of September, and ankered in 6 fadoms.

Item, The 2 of September we departed from the port of S. Iago, and the 3 day of September we put into a port one league unto the Westwards of Natividad, where we ankered in 8 fadoms water.

Item, The 4 day of September wee departed from the port of Natividad, and the 7 day of September we put into the bay of Xalisco, where we ankered in 9 fadoms water, and the 10 day of September we departed from the bay of Xalisco, and the 12 day of September we ankered at the island of S. Andrew, where we ankered in 17 fadoms water.

Item, The 17 day of September we departed from the island of S. Andrew, and the 24 day of September we put into the bay of Chiametlan, where we ankered in 8 fadoms water, and the 26 of September we departed from the bay of Chiametlan, and the 28 day wee ankered under the islands of Chiametlan in 4 fadoms.

Item, The 9 day of October wee departed from the islands of Chiametlan, and crossing over the mouth of Mar vermejo, the 14 day of October we had sight of the Cape of California.

Item, The 15 day of October we lay off the Cape of S. Lucas, and the 4 day of November we tooke the great and rich ship called Santa Anna, comming from the Philippinas: and the 5 day of November we put into the port of S. Lucas, where we put all the people on shore, and burnt the Santa Anna: and we ankered in 12 fadoms water.

Item, The 19 day of November we departed from the port of S. Lucas, and the 3 day of January wee had sight of one of the islands of the Ladrones , which island is called The island of Iwana, standing in the latitude of 13 degrees and 50 minuts.

Item, The 3 day of January we departed from the iland of Iwana, and the 14 day of Januarie we had sight of the cape of Spirito santo, and the same day we put into the Streights of the Philippinas; and the 15 day of January we ankered under the iland of Capul, on the which iland we watered and wooded.

Item, The 24 of January we departed from the iland of Capul, and the 28 day of January we arrived in the bay of Lago grande, which bay is in the island of Pannay, where there were Spaniards building of a new ship.

Item, The 29 of January wee departed from the bay of Lago grande, and the same day at night wee were cleere from the islands of the Philippinas, shaping our course towards the ilands of Maluco.

Item, From the 29 day of January unto the first day of March, we were navigating between the West end of the island of Pannay and the West end of the island of Java . minor.

Item, The first day of March wee passed the Streights at the West head of the island of Java minor, and the 5 day of March we ankered in a bay at the Wester end of Java major, where wee watered, and had great store of victuals from the towne of Polambo.

Item, The 16 day of March wee departed from the island of Java major, and the I day of May we had sight of the land 40 leagues unto the Eastwards of the cape of Buena Esperanza, the land being low land.

A note from the cape of Buena Esperanza unto the Northwards.

ITEM, The 21 day of May wee departed from the cape of Buena Esperanza, and the 8 day of June we ankered on the Northwest part of the iland of Santa Helena, where we watered, and made our abode 12 dayes.

Item, The 20 day of June at night wee departed from the island of Santa Helena, and the 4 day of July we passed under the Equinoctiall line.

Item, The 20 day of June at night wee departed from the island of Santa Helena, and the 25 day of August in the morning wee had sight of the islands of Flores and Corvo in the latitude of 40 degrees.

Item, The 9 day of September 1588 wee arrived, after a long and terrible tempest, in the Narrow seas, in the haven of Plimmouth in safetie, by the gracious and most mercifull protection of the Almighty, to whom therefore be rendered immortall praise and thankesgiving now and for ever. Amen.

A note of our ankering in those places where we arrived after our departure from England 1586.

IN primis, Wee ankered in the harborow of Sierra leona in 10 fadoms water: and a Northwest winde in that rode is the woorst that can blow.

Item, You may anker under the island that is called Ilha Verde in 6 fadoms water: and the winde being at the Westnorthwest is the woorst winde that can blow.

Item, You may anker under the island of S. Sebastian on the Northwest part in 10 fadoms: and a Westsouthwest winde is the woorst winde.

Item, You may anker in Port Desire in 5 fadoms water, and a West and by South winde is the woorst.

Item, You may anker under Cape Joy without the mouth of the Streights of Magellan in 7 fadoms water.

Item, You may anker within the Streights of Magellan, untill you come unto the first narrowing in 25 or 30 fadoms water, in the mid way of the Streights.

Item, You may anker in the second narrow of the Streights in 16 fadoms water.

Item, You may anker under Penguin island on which side you please in 6 or 7 fadoms water.

Item, You may anker in Port Famine in 5 or 6 fadoms water, and a Southsoutheast winde is the woorst.

Item, You may anker in Muskle cove, which cove is on the South side, and is 7 leagues to the Southwards of Cape Froward, and you shall ride in 12 fadoms.

Item, You may anker in Elizabeth bay, which bay is on the North side of the Streights in 8 fadors water.

Item, From Elizabeth bay unto Cabo deseado, you may anker on both sides of the Streights in many places.

A note of our ankering after we were entred into the South sea.

IN primis, You may anker in the bay of Mocha in 7 or 8 fadoms water, and there a Northeast winde is the woorst.

Item, You may anker on the North side of S. Mary island in nine fadoms water: and there a Northnorthwest winde is the woorst winde.

Item, You may anker in the bay of Conception under one small island in 9 fadoms water, and a Northnorthwest winde is the woorst winde in that bay.

Item, You may anker in the bay of Quintero in 7 fadoms water, and a Northnorthwest wind is the worst winde.

Item, You may anker in the bay of Arica in 6 fadoms, and in that bay a Westnorthwest winde is the woorst winde.

Item, You may anker in the bay of Pisca and Paraca in five fadoms: and in that bay a Northnorthwest winde is the woorst.

Item, You may anker in the bay of Cherepe in 8 fadoms, and there from the Northwest unto the Southeast it is open.

Item, You may anker in the bay of Paita in 7 fadoms water: and there a Northnortheast wind is the woorst winde.

Item, You may anker on the Northeast part of the island of Puna in 4 fadoms : and a Northeast winde is the woorst.

Item, You may anker at Rio dolce, where wee watered, unto the Eastwards of the island of Puna in 10 fadoms.

A note of what depths we ankered in on the coast of New Spaine.

ITEM, You may anker in the port of Aguatulco in sixe fadoms water: and a Southsouthwest winde is the woorst.

Item, You may anker in the port of S. Iago in 6 fadoms water: and a Westsouthwest winde is the woorst.

Item, You may anker in the port of Natividad in 8 fadoms water: and a Southeast winde is the woorst.

Item, You may anker on the bay of Xalisco in 9 fadorns water: and a Westsouthwest winde is the woorst.

Item, You may anker on the Northwest part of the island of S. Andrew in 17 fadoms water.

Item, You may anker under the island of Chiametlan in 4 fadoms water: and a Southeast winde is the woorst.

Item, You may anker in the port of S. Lucas on the Cape of California in 12 fadoms water: and a Southeast winde is the woorst. A note of what depths we ankered in, among the ilands of the Philippinas. ITEM, You may anker on the Southwest part of the island of Capul in 6 fadoms water: and a Westsouthwest winde is the woorst.

Item, You may anker all along the South part of the island of Panna in shoald water, in the depth of 10 or 12 fadoms.

Item, You may anker in the bay of Lago grande in seven fadoms water, which bay is on the South side of the island of Panna.

Item, You may anker at the East end of Java major in 16 fadoms water, and an Eastsoutheast winde is the woorst.

Item, You may anker on the North part of the island of Santa Helena in 12 fadoms water.

A note of our finding of the winds for the most part of our voyage 1586.

IN primis, From the 21 day of July unto the 19 day of August we found the winde at Northnortheast, being in the latitude of 7 degrees.

Item, From the 19 day of August unto the 28 day of September, wee found the wind for the most part betweene the West and the Southwest, being in 24 degrees.

Item, From the 28 day of September unto the 30 day of October, we found the windes betweene the Northeast and the Eastnortheast.

Item, From the 23 of November, from the island of S. Sebastian, unto the 30 day of November, we found the winde betweene the Southeast and the Southsoutheast, being in 36 degrees.

Item, From the 30 day of November unto the 6 day of December, we found the windes to be betweene the West and the Southwest.

Item, From the 6 day of December unto the first day of January, we found the winds for the most part betweene the North and the Northeast, being then in the latitude of 52 degrees.

Item, From the first day of January unto the 23 day of February, we found the windes to be betweene the Northwest and the Westsouthwest, wee being all that time in the Streights of Magellan.

Item, From the 23 day of February unto the first day of March, we found the winds to be betweene the South and the Southeast, being then in the South sea in the latitude of 48 degrees.

Item, From the first day of March unto the 7 day of March, we found the winde to be at the North and the Northnortheast in the latitude of 43 degrees.

Item, From the 7 day of March unto the 14 day of March, wee found the windes to be betweene the South and the Southwest, in the latitude of 37 degrees.

Item, From the 14 day of March unto the 28 day of May, we found the winds to be betweene the South and the Southwest, in the latitude of 3 degrees to the South of the Line.

A note of the varying of our windes to the North of the Equinoctiall line on the coast of New Spaine.

ITEM, From the 28 day of May unto the 5 day of July, we found the winds for the most part to be betweene the Southsoutheast, and the Southsouthwest, being in the latitude of 10 degrees to the Northward of the Line on the coast of New Spaine.

Item, From the 5 day of July unto the 14 day of October, we found the windes for the most part to be at the Eastnortheast in the latitude of 23 degrees Northward, and almost under the tropicke of Cancer.

A note of the windes which we found betweene the coast of New Spaine and Islands of the Philippinas on the coast of Asia .

IN the yeere of our Lord 1587 we departed from the cape of Santa Clara on the coast of California the 19 day of November, and we found the winds to be betweene the East and the Eastnortheast, untill the 29 day of January; departing then from the ilands of the Philippinas, being in the latitude of 9 degrees.

Item, From the 29 day of January unto the 19 day of March, wee found the windes for the most part betweene the Northnortheast and the Northwest, being then among the Ilands of Maluco, in the latitude of 9 degrees.

Item, From the 19 day of March unto the 20 day of May, wee found the windes for the most part betweene the South and the Eastsoutheast, being then between the Hands of Maluco, and the cape of Buena Esperanza, in the latitude of 34 degrees to the South of the Line.

Item, From the 20 day of May unto the 11 day of July, we found the winds for the most part betweene the South and the Southeast, being then betweene the cape of Buena Esperanza, and 15 degrees unto the Southward of the line.

Item, From the 11 day of July unto the 18 day of August, we found the winds for the most part betweene the Northeast and Eastnortheast, being then betweene the latitude of 15 degrees to the Southward of the line, and 38 degrees unto the Northwards of the line.

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