Owing to its affinity to the art of acquisition of
which we spoke, it is supposed by many people to be one and the same as that;
and as a matter of fact, while it is not the same as the acquisition spoken of,
it is not far removed from it. One of them is natural, the other is not natural,
but carried on rather by means of a certain acquired skill or art. We may take
our starting-point for its study from the following consideration: with every article of property there is a
double way of using it; both uses are related to the article itself, but not
related to it in the same manner—one is peculiar to the thing and the
other is not peculiar to it. Take for example a shoe—there is its wear
as a shoe and there is its use as an article of exchange; for both are ways of
using a shoe, inasmuch as even he that barters a shoe for money or food with the
customer that wants a shoe uses it as a shoe, though not for the use peculiar to
a shoe, since shoes have not come into existence for the purpose of barter. And
the same also holds good about the other articles of property; for all of them
have an art of exchange related to them, which began in the first instance from
the natural order of things, because men had more than enough of some things and
less than enough of others. This
consideration also shows that the art of trade is not by nature a part of the
art of wealth-getting1; for the practice of barter was
necessary only so far as to satisfy men's own needs. In the primary
association therefore (I mean the
household) there is no function for trade, but it only arises after the
association has become more numerous. For the members of the primitive household
used to share commodities that were all their own, whereas on the contrary a
group divided into several households participated also in a number of
commodities belonging to their neighbors, according to their needs for which
they were forced to make their interchanges by way of barter, as also many
barbarian tribes do still; for such tribes do not go beyond exchanging actual
commodities for actual commodities, for example giving and taking wine for corn,
and so with the various other things of the sort. Exchange on these lines therefore is not contrary to
nature, nor is it any branch of the art of wealth-getting, for it existed for
the replenishment of natural self-sufficiency; yet out of it the art of business
in due course arose. For when they had come to supply themselves more from
abroad by importing things in which they were deficient and exporting those of
which they had a surplus, the employment of money necessarily came to be
devised. For the natural necessaries are not in every case readily portable;
hence for the purpose of barter
men made a mutual compact to give and accept some substance of such a sort as
being itself a useful commodity was easy to handle in use for general life, iron
for instance, silver and other metals, at the first stage defined merely by size
and weight, but finally also by impressing on it a stamp in order that this
might relieve them of having to measure it; for the stamp was put on as a token
of the amount.
1 Perhaps Aristotle wrote ‘of the art of exchange’: Bernays suggests μεταβλητικῆς for χρηματιστικῆς.
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