1Almost all the
other subjects which we intended to treat
have now been discussed. There must follow the consideration of
the questions, what are the number and the nature of the causes that give rise
to revolutions in constitutions, and what are the causes that destroy each form
of constitution, and out of what forms into what forms do they usually change,
and again what are the safeguards of constitutions in general and of each form
in particular, and what are the means by which the safeguarding of each may best
be put into effect.2
we must first assume the starting-point, that many forms of constitution have
come into existence with everybody agreeing as to what is just, that is
proportionate equality, but failing to attain it (as has also been said
before). Thus democracy arose from men's thinking that if they are
equal in any respect they are equal absolutely (for they suppose that
because they are all alike free they are equal absolutely), oligarchy
arose from their assuming that if they are unequal as regards some one thing
they are unequal wholly (for being unequal in property they assume that
they are unequal absolutely); and then the democrats claim as being equal to participate
in all things in equal shares, while the oligarchs as being unequal seek to have
a larger share, for a larger share is unequal. All these forms of constitution
then have some element of justice, but from an absolute point of view they are
erroneous; and owing to this cause, when each of the two parties has not got the
share in the constitution which accords with the fundamental assumption that
they happen to entertain, faction ensues. And of all men those who excel in
virtue would most justifiably stir up faction, though they are least given to
doing so;
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